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Issues Indigenous Peoples related News
Displaying 205 - 216 of 675
24 April 2019
This week, thousands of Indigenous People from all over Brazil are gathering in the capital to demand their human rights and changes to political decisions that threaten their survival Since the new Brazilian government came to power under President Bolsonaro, commitments to dismantle the rights
24 April 2019
Systematic racism and the failure of governments to recognize and respect land rights are at the root of violence leading to the murder of Indigenous peoples around the world, said Vicky Tauli-Corpuz, U.N. special rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples on Tuesday. 
23 April 2019
A recently ended six-month occupation of a public square in central Asunción by the Tacuara'i community has brought attention to systemic violations of the land rights of indigenous groups in Paraguay. Español.
23 April 2019
For Ashton Janvier, land and water are the portals to teaching and preserving the Denesuline language, which he says originates from the environment.  “In my culture, everything that we talk about and everything that we teach one another has to do with the land,” said Janvier, an educator and
22 April 2019
The Kayapó war cry resounds deep in the Amazon, the world’s largest rainforest. Four dozen warriors, their headdresses made of yellow and red macaw feathers, stand in the village clearing, carrying shotguns and war clubs. Warrior women, the crowns of their heads shaved, sing high-pitched war cries
22 April 2019
For Indigenous peoples across the Americas, urgent threats imposed by the industrial extraction of natural resources has characterized the 21st century. The expansion of industry has threatened Indigenous territories, cultures and sovereignty.
19 April 2019
Japan enacted legislation Friday aimed at protecting and promoting the culture of the Ainu ethnic minority through financial assistance, while at the same time stipulating for the first time that they are an “indigenous” people. The law requires the central and local governments to promote Ainu
18 April 2019
The Wampis is an indigenous group comprised of thousands of members whose ancestors have lived in the Amazon rainforest of northern Peru for centuries. Mounting incursions by loggers, miners and oil prospectors, as well as governance changes that favored industrial exploitation, left the Wampis
12 April 2019
Waorani people accuse Ecuador of violating their rights and putting their territory up for international oil auction. Puyo, Ecuador - More than 200 indigenous Waorani people and their supporters marched to the court in the Amazon city of Puyo on Thursday to begin their high-stakes hearing against
11 April 2019
A government policy that favours male residents and was introduced to improve living conditions of indigenous inhabitants, has been criticised for exacerbating a chronic housing shortage BANGKOK - Hong Kong must end a discriminatory land policy that favours indigenous men, land rights campaigners
10 April 2019
On Wednesday, John Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, provided the key to a long-term climate change solution: food.
4 April 2019
Protesters have blocked the Pan-American Highway connecting Colombia to Ecuador. Duque has refused to travel to the department of Cauca to meet with indigenous organizations unless the blockade is first lifted. Indigenous protesters face a crackdown by the government and violent attacks from

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