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Issues Indigenous Peoples related News
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3 April 2019
Having a title, deed or lease is the key that turns informal occupants into citizens, yet 70 percent of the world's people still live without documented property rights The lack of a strong land record keeping system is partially responsible for the slow recovery from Hurricane Maria in Puerto
2 April 2019
LA PAZ, Apr 2 2019 (IPS) - The ancient Qhara Qhara nation began a battle against the State of Bolivia in defence of its rich ancestral lands, in an open challenge to a government that came to power in 2006 on a platform founded on respect for the values and rights of indigenous peoples. Men and
1 April 2019
The Ayoreo-Totobiegosode, an indigenous people in the heart of South America, has finally secured a key part of its territory after a 26 year struggle. Ayoreo leaders received the ownership papers to 18,000 hectares of their ancestral land.
30 March 2019
Hundreds of protesters have blocked access to the major Las Bambas copper mine over claims they have been denied a fair share of revenues CHALLHUAHUACHO, Peru/LIMA March 29 (Reuters) - Peruvian police on Friday freed the leader of an indigenous community that has blocked roads to a major copper
29 March 2019
March 29 (UPI) -- Native protests over land rights in Colombia spread Friday while natives in Peru clashed with officials over pollution at a copper mine. In southwest Colombia, dialogue between the natives and government were suspended after President Ivan Duque visited the Cauca region to discuss
22 March 2019
Areas allocated to rubber, oil palm and logging concessions cover around a quarter of Liberia’s total land mass. Liberian activists and the international community have warned that land disputes on oil palm concessions were becoming a time bomb for conflict in the country, and urging lawmakers to
21 March 2019
NEW DELHI - A push to formalise land claims, map settlements and digitise records is not always in the best interests of vulnerable communities, and may even lead to greater rights abuses, analysts warned on Friday. From Peru to the Philippines, governments are curtailing the rights of indigenous
19 March 2019
Sergio Rojas, a leader of the Bribrí community in Costa Rica, was murdered Monday night in the indigenous territory of Salitre. An investigation into the death is underway, and President Carlos Alvarado has called the events “a tragic day for the Bribrí people, the indigenous communities and for
15 March 2019
Aboriginals in Australia have won a ground-breaking case that paves the way for billions of dollars in compensation claims for colonial land loss, as well as loss of spiritual connection. The High Court of Australia ruled in favor of the Ngaliwurru and Nungali groups from the Northern Territory
14 March 2019
The U.N. said 113 rights activists were killed last year, many were land rights activists campaigning for the return of property they say was stolen by illegal armed groups BOGOTA - Slow implementation of Colombia's peace accord and a lack of government presence in rural areas is putting land and
13 March 2019
DARWIN, AUSTRALIA - Australia’s High Court on Wednesday ruled that Aboriginal owners stripped of land rights should be compensated for “spiritual harm,” in a landmark ruling that could spark a slew of cases countrywide. The court ruled that the Ngaliwurru and Nungali peoples in the Northern
12 March 2019
A recent TIB study shows that the Dalits and indigenous communities of the plain lands in Bangladesh have been facing widespread socio-economic discrimination, often being deprived of education, healthcare, even government's basic immunisation programmes, and employment as well as other basic human

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