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Issues Indigenous Peoples related News
Displaying 313 - 324 of 675
10 July 2018
BOGOTA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos spoke out on Monday to condemn the nation’s soaring violence against human rights leaders amid growing pressure that the government act more forcefully to end the bloodshed.   Activists are being gunned down at a rate of
9 July 2018
“We feel as if we’re combatting an organized criminal gang,” said Everton Barros Dias, head of forest monitoring for the Environment and Sustainability Secretariat (SEMAS) in the Amazonian state of Pará. He explained how “impotent” he feels, as his agency engages in an “unequal fight” to combat a
6 July 2018
OSLO, Norway — Indigenous peoples and local communities conserve lands and forests for a quarter of the cost of public and private investments in protected areas, according to new findings released at the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum last week, yet “fortress conservation” strategies often see
1 July 2018
As NT marks 40 years of self-government, former Labor MLA Ken Parish says the system has been problematic The Northern Territory should become the “test bed” for reforms proposed in the Uluru statement and establish a formal Indigenous voice to parliament, a former Labor parliamentarian and
28 June 2018
Tropical forest loss is at an all-time high, fomenting the global climate crisis. The result is rising seas, threats to global food security, and conflict across the globe. Along with this violence against the earth, there is growing violence against the people who defend it.
25 June 2018
Indigenous peoples in the Peruvian Amazon have united and created the Wampis Nation – an autonomous territorial government – in order to defend their livelihood from the increasing pressure from extractive industries. Their autonomous government covers nearly an area the size of one-third of the
20 June 2018
Even though Brazil's constitution guarantees slaves' descendants rights to property, many of them still don't have legal title to their land
18 June 2018
Up in the highlands of Guatemala, a dark history haunts the mist-covered treelines. In the late 1970s and 1980s, a raging civil war claimed the lives of some 200,000 people, most of whom were indigenous. Across the country, 626 massacre sites have been identified.
14 June 2018
Ironically, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s rejection of the 2017 Statement from the Heart, proposing more meaningful national engagement with Indigenous peoples, has accelerated demands for a treaty process across the country. Victoria and the 
13 June 2018
"Walls have never solved problems, whether that's in terms of immigration, in terms of militarization" EL PASO, Texas - To the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Indians, the water of the Rio Grande that divides the United States and Mexico sanctifies religious rites and purifies their hunts. Indian
8 June 2018
"We are the original inhabitants of this island...this regulation denies us what is rightfully ours" TAIPEI - Taipei's Peace Memorial Park is an oasis of calm in the bustling city, home to morning walkers and lunchtime strollers - along with a camp of indigenous protesters demanding justice.
7 June 2018
As logging and palm oil industries continue to decimate the Amazonian rainforest, the people who live in it are taking tech into their own hands to fight back.

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