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Issues Indigenous Peoples related News
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24 November 2017
With the new housing strategy, the government has committed to halving "chronic homelessness" by 2028 MUMBAI, Nov 23 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Canada's move to recognise housing as a fundamental right in its new national housing strategy marks a historic step towards ending homelessness, a
24 November 2017
The native vegetation was in a reef catchment, meaning the clearing could worsen pollution on the Great Barrier Reef. Government-commissioned studies show it provided habitat to several threatened species.
16 November 2017
Traditional farming strategies could protect humanity against global warming and prevent deadly wildfires. Yet scientists seem determined to ignore them Prejudice against indigenous people is visible and ingrained in cultures everywhere, from US football team names (the Washington Redskins for
14 November 2017
Indonesian President Joko Widodo last month gave several indigenous communities back the land rights to the forests they have called home for generations. The total amount of customary forests relinquished to local groups under this initiative remains far short of what the government has promised
7 November 2017
Brazilian president Michel Temer has twice survived National Congress votes to initiate impeachment against him on extensive corruption charges. Temer did so by selling out the environment, particularly the Amazon, to the ruralists who largely control the assembly.
7 November 2017
A grassroots revolution is occurring in East Arnhem Land as Aboriginal Australians strive to become landlords rather than tenants on their own land.
7 November 2017
Members of the Samburu community who were living on a disputed land previously owned by retired President Daniel Moi have been slapped with a Sh11.8 million invoice by a Nairobi-based law firm. Kaplan and Stratton Advocates demanded the money after an eight-year court battle in a case in
6 November 2017
A busload of indigenous leaders have been crossing Europe to highlight their cause before the start of UN climate talks in Bonn Of the many thousands of participants at the Bonn climate conferencewhich begins on 6 November, there will arguably be none who come with as much hope, courage and anger
2 November 2017
"If we don’t immediately start to demonstrate that forest services will be fairly paid, we will have serious problems," said environmental minister Jose Sarney Filho   BRASILIA (Reuters) - The best way to further reduce deforestation in the Amazon rainforest is paying owners to preserve their
2 November 2017
SARAWAK Dayaks, angry over two recent Federal Court decisions which failed to recognise native customary rights, will gather at the Palace of Justice in Putrajaya on Tuesday to “make their feelings known” at another appeal case set to go against them.
25 October 2017
  Indigenous leaders and forestry experts warned on Tuesday that without more funding and protection for forests and their peoples, the world will fail to meet the ambitious goals set by the Paris Agreement.   In "a declaration of the guardians of the forest," the coalition of indigenous groups 

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