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Overview of Rwanda’s Land Policy and Land Law and Key Challenges for Implementation: Briefing Document

Reports & Research
February, 2003

An introduction, overview and historical section is followed by sections on Rwanda’s Land Policy and law, outlining main problems identified and policy objectives. Includes the nature of land rights, registration, consolidation, establishment of commissions, villagisation and urbanisation, key challenges for implementation, impact of AIDS, role of political representatives, civil society and NGOs, and sensitisation and consultation on the implementation of the Policy and the law.

Securing Customary Land Tenure in Africa: Alternative Approaches to the Local Recording and Registration of Land Rights: Report of a workshop held at IIED

Reports & Research
November, 2000

Introduction and background, by Julian Quan (DFID); Piloting local administration of records in Ekuthuleni, KwaZulu-Natal, by Donna Hornby (AFRA, South Africa); Ivory Coast’s Plan Foncier Rural: lessons from a pilot project to register customary rights, by Camilla Toulmin (IIED); Customary land identification and recording in Mozambique, by Chris Tanner; Supporting local rights: will the centre let go?

Community Land Protection Facilitators Guide

Reports & Research
February, 2016

A step-by-step, practical ‘how to’ manual for grassroots advocates working to help communities protect their customary claims and rights to land and natural resources. Namati has developed a comprehensive, five-part approach that supports communities to: build unity and internal capacity for community land protection, proactively document and map their land claims, strengthen local governance, seek formal government recognition of their land rights, and plan for their own flourishing future.

Women’s Land Rights in Northern Uganda (West Nile, Acholi, Lango, Teso and Karamoja)

Reports & Research
February, 2014

Key findings: Customary tenure remains strong with only 1.2% of plots held under statutory tenure. Over 86% of women reported they have access to land under customary tenure and c.63% of women reported they “own” land under customary tenure. Tenure security is not dependent on formal documentation as proof of ownership. Men play a dominant role in land management. General knowledge of statutory and customary land law and management systems is poor. c.50% of the population have experienced land conflicts, 72% are within household, family or clan.

Botswana National Land Policy, Issues Report

Reports & Research
September, 2002

A review of all Botswana land-related policies in preparation for a comprehensive new National Land Policy. Covers land rights, land markets and taxation, urban and rural land management, land use planning, legal, institutional and financial issues. Dominant theme is the need to adjust land policy, laws, management and administration to the changes being brought about by economic development and urbanisation, manifested in a rapidly emerging land market. Government concerned over rise of landlessness and hoarding by speculators.

Interview with Professor Jose Negrao, Hero of Mozambique’s Poor, about the Land Law

Reports & Research
July, 2005

Jose Negrao died on 9 July 2005, aged 49. He was one of the most important intellectuals and researchers in Mozambique, was a leading figure in the Land Campaign and a strong defender of peasant land rights. We publish this interview with him in recognition of and in mourning a great and truly independent fighter who did not conform to what others expected but always pursued his own way. He was hugely influential during the Land Campaign and his success then derived from the fact that people trusted his integrity and his independence.

Promoting Land Rights in Africa: How do NGOs Make a Difference?

Reports & Research
October, 2002

Investigates the effectiveness of NGOs’ strategies and methods to influence land policy reform. Report based on a study of 7 NGOs promoting land reform and land rights in Mozambique and Kenya. Covers country contexts – NGO sectors and land policy reform; NGOs in the policy process – roles and relationships; assessing the impact of NGOs on land policy processes; key findings and lessons. Studies show that legislation and regulations can be modified, reinterpreted or ignored during implementation, when local level power relations become critical.

Oxfam Zambia Copperbelt Livelihoods Improvement Programme, Report of Proceedings of a Partners Land Workshop, Kitwe

Institutional & promotional materials
February, 2004

Includes executive summary; the land issue – International and regional perspectives; Oxfam and land issues on the Copperbelt; land issues in Zambia; land policy review process; genesis of the 1995 Lands Act; Constitutional Review process; challenges for the future; conclusion.

Women’s Land Rights in Southern Africa: Consolidated baseline findings from Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Reports & Research
October, 2009

Includes the legal and policy situation relating to women’s land rights in Southern Africa; women farmers speak out on which land rights are being enjoyed, or not; potential springboards to the realisation of women’s land rights; baseline trends and key conclusions; recommended action points.

Land Rights and Tenure Security in Zimbabwe’s post Fast Track Land Reform Programme

Reports & Research
March, 2011

Includes learning from the commercial sector – freehold title deeds, pre-1980-2010; learning from Zimbabwean customary tenure systems; learning from the state resettlement programme – permit tenure, 1980-2010; fast track land reform, 2000-2010, policy implications and recommendations.