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There are 4, 118 content items of different types and languages related to natural resources management on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2245 - 2256 of 3351

Dampak desentralisasi kehutanan terhadap keuangan daerah, masyarakat setempat dan tata ruang: studi kasus di Kabupaten Bulungan, Kalimantan Timur

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2005

The report describes the impacts of forestry decentralization on district finance, local communities and spatial planning, drawing on an 18-month research project in Bulungan District in East Kalimantan Province. It describes forestry management policies following the implementation of regional autonomy, and their impacts on district revenue and local livelihoods. The authors analyze district spatial planning, forest land use and community control over forest lands.

Decentralisation of administration, policy making and forest management in Ketapang district, West Kalimantan

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2001

This study examines the preliminary impacts of Indonesia's decentralization process on the administration and management of forest resources in Ketapang District, West Kalimantan. The case study is based on field work carried out in mid-2000, using a rapid appraisal methodology. The report covers the impacts of decentralization in three areas, in particular: customary adat communities, oil palm and rubber plantations, and conservation issues related to Gunung Palang National Park.

Decentralisation of policies affecting forests and estate crops in Kutawaringin Timur district, Central Kalimantan

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2001

Kotawaringin Timur district lies within the Dayak heartland of Central Borneo, Indonesia. Prior to the late 1960s, most of the district was covered in dense tropical forest. However, these forests have been increasingly exploited since the 1970s when former-president Soeharto granted large timber concessions to logging companies in the area. Although Kotawaringin Timur’s forests still supply 49 percent of Central Kalimantan’s log production and half of its sawn timber and moulding, its forest resources are close to being exhausted.