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Issues women related News
Displaying 301 - 312 of 476
20 June 2017
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Each week, at least four men and women vanish without trace or are found dead, cut down in a hail of gunfire. In Cambodia, a single mother is separated from her two children, arrested and locked up in prison. On the dry savannahs of Brazil's Mato Grosso do Sul
20 June 2017
Women from lakeside communities in Phnom Penh are leading a fight against the lake's destruction - but have faced a brutal crackdown by police
14 June 2017
"People have many reasons to come after me - because I talk about land grabbing, because I talk about the rights of indigenous people, of crimes against minorities" MUMBAI, June 14 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - In her long career defending the rights of women, indigenous people and ethnic
13 June 2017
A group of statisticians and land property rights experts recently met at the World Bank offices in Washington D.C., with the objective of developing the preparatory requirements for supporting the reclassification of the Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 1.4.2 from Tier III to Tier II status
12 June 2017
NEW DELHI, Jun 12 2017 (IPS) - In Meghalaya, India’s northeastern biodiversity hotspot, all three major tribes are matrilineal. Children take the mother’s family name, while daughters inherit the family lands. Because women own land and have always decided what is grown on it and what is
30 May 2017
Malian men control access to land and decide which parts women are allowed to farm - that's a problem for women as erratic weather increases competition for land and harvests BOGOSSONI, Mali, May 29 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Anthio Mounkoro has been farming land in Bogossoni for as long as
30 May 2017
National laws and regulations in low- and middle-income countries consistently fail to protect the land rights of women living in indigenous and rural communities, making them ill-prepared to reach the targets set by the Sustainable Development Goals or the Paris Agreement on climate change, a new
28 May 2017
The Civil Society Organization Working Group on Land Reform on Monday told the Legislature that they remain optimistic that the land reform bill, when passed into law, will empower rural communities through the recognition of customary land rights and other issues across the country. The CSO
15 May 2017
  Rights to land for women have been enshrined in law in Zimbabwe, but the practice of law in reality often has not delivered women’s empowerment and rights. This must change, but how?
11 May 2017
How two villages are working to redefine the future of land registration.
5 May 2017
In a joint initiative between the Land Portal Foundation and the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) called Enhancing Land Portal as an Effective Tool for Strategic Promotion and Campaigning Around SDG Land Monitoring Initiatives, the Land Portal  is looking for a Consultant to review and develop
2 May 2017
As the powers that be in Sipasarubali, Odisha work to take over forest land to build a beach resort, villagers who are trying to fight them are under attack. Puri, Odisha: On April 28, a friend and I went to Gola and Gopinathpur villages in Odisha to meet activists who, in the early 1990s, had been

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