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Issues indigenous peoples' lands related News
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Via Indigenous Dayaks in a remote Borneo village fight BHP coal mine AUGUST 11, 2015 8:28PM AUSTRALIAN mining giant BHP Billiton has hit a roadblock on its coal mine in Indonesian Borneo after finally starting operations. Read more.
By: Jesse Staniforth Date: August 4th 2016 Source: The Star
4 November 2015, 05:01 UTC The Colombian government must prioritize the right of Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities to decide how their land is developed above companies’ desire to exploit those territories for profit, said Amnesty International in a new report today.
By Matthew Ponsford Date: August 19th 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The leader of Brazil's Munduruku indigenous people has appealed for international support to protect his people's ancestral forest land in the remote Amazon following the defeat of
By: Camilla Capasso  Date: January 28th 2016 Source: Latin Correspondent Esperanza Salazar is a fighter. You can tell by the way she keeps her chin up when she explains why she had to leave Mexico and move to Canada, why she can’t return home.
By: Bryan Thomas Date: 19 September 2016 Source: Diplomaticourier An Emerging Philippine Case Study Throughout human history, the contact between developed economies and indigenous people in undeveloped areas has created tension, and often tragedy.  Today the challenge of creating a positive
Forests and grasslands would store more carbon if communities’ rights were protected, according to research from the leading climate economist
By: Sandra Cuffe Date: February 17th 2016 Source: Mongabay During the pope's recent five-day visit to Mexico, indigenous and community groups from throughout Latin America gathered to discuss land rights issues.
By: Kelli Barrett Date: November 13th 2016 Source: Ecosystem Marketplace
By: Jeff Abbott    Date: March 4th 2016 Source:
Dynamic thematic portfolios combine detailed narratives with Linked Open Data to provide comprehensive global overview GRONINGEN (11 November, 2016) — Forest tenure, gender and land rights, and indigenous and community land rights are all key thematic areas related to land governance. For this

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