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Issues informal property related Blog post
There are 77 content items of different types and languages related to informal property on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 17

Reimagining Urban Housing: Gautam Bhan's Call for Justice, Affordability, and Viability

04 December 2024
Gautam Bhan, a leading urbanist and Associate Dean at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), delivered a compelling keynote at the 8th India Land and Development Conference (ILDC), challenging entrenched narratives around housing in urban India. His address, rooted in decades of research and practice of teams of researchers at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bangalore, delved into the critical intersections of affordability, adequacy, and viability, forming the pillars of what he called "India's housing question."

Land Formalization Goes Live

07 May 2021
Nicholas Parkinson

A Colombian Mayor surprises her constituents with land titles and uses live video and social media to spread civic messages about formalizing land tenure


Fuentedeoro’s Mayor, Patricia Mancera, took the world on a digital tour of her town. On Monday last week, Mancera’s team went live on Facebook, while walking door-to-door to deliver registered property titles to dozens of neighbors living in Fuentedeoro’s urban center.

Localizing the Land-Related Sustainable Development Goals in Brazil: Women Empowering Women

26 April 2021

* This blog post was written by the following women:  Patricia Chaves, Gigliola Silva Araújo, Natali Lacerda and Tereza Borba. They take us back to 2015, through to the present, telling us about the process of localizing the land-related SDGs and empowering local women to build multi-stakeholder platforms in order to change and influence policies that can affect their families, communities and  lives. * 

Perceptions Data Can Help Us Challenge Sexist Norms Around Land and Housing

09 March 2021
Cheryl Doss
Joseph Feyertag
Ruth Meinzen-Dick

On the International Women’s Day – and every day – we must call out gender bias wherever we see it. The trouble is, when it comes to land and property rights, much is hidden behind closed doors. But now, a new survey is giving voice to women around the world, letting them share their perceptions of their property rights.


تحديات الإدارة الفعالة للأراضي في المنطقة العربية

17 February 2021

تعاني المنطقة العربية من العديد من التحديات في قطاع حوكمة الأراضي وإدارتها . والأهم من ذلك ، أن انعدام أمن الحيازة في
المنطقة العربية هو الأعلى بين المناطق الأخرى في العالم ، كذلك في مؤشر البنك الدولي لممارسة الأعمال التجارية ، تحتل المنطقة
المرتبة الأدنى بين المناطق الاخرى ، باستثناء بعض دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي. يؤثر انعدام أمن الحيازة سلبيًا على العديد من
جوانب الاقتصاد بما في ذلك العمران ، والتنمية الزراعية ، والقطاع الخاص ، وتمكين المرأة ، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر. وفوق

The challenges of good land governance in the Arab region

16 February 2021

The Arab region suffers from many challenges  in the land governance and land management sector. Most importantly, tenure insecurity in the Arab region is the highest in the world.  In the Worldbank’s Registering Property- Doing Business indicator, the region ranks  lower than any other region, with the exception of some Gulf Cooperation Council countries. Tenure insecurity negatively affects many aspects of the  economy including urbanization, agricultural development, the private sector and women's empowerment, just to name of a few.

Increasing Segregation? Impact of Covid19 in the Cities of Africa and South Asia

04 April 2020
Philip Amis

The current Covid 19 pandemic is likely to spread in the next few weeks and months to the South and in particular South Asia and Sub Saharan Africa. The impact may well be of a greater scale than that currently experienced in the North; India was the region with the highest loss of live in the 1918-1919 Spanish flu Pandemic. The experience and historical experience suggests that urban areas will be disproportionately affected.