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There are 1, 403 content items of different types and languages related to indigenous people's tenure on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 201

Recognizing Indigenous Peoples’ and Community Land Rights to Limit Deforestation Is Cost-Effective Approach to Fight Poverty, Climate Change

Reports & Research

NEW YORK (17 September, 2014)—US$1.64 billion, the funds pledged to date by three major multi-lateral initiatives at the United Nations and World Bank in preparing for the evolving REDD+ carbon market, would expand the demarcation, registration, and titling of rights of the local communities and Indigenous Peoples living on 450 million hectares, an area almost half the size of Europe, according to new research released by the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) and Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education).

Sociología de las ocupaciones de tierra. Acción colectiva de los trabajadores rurales de Artigas Uruguay 2005-2007

Reports & Research
August, 2015

La publicación tiene el objetivo de brindar materiales para una comprensión acabada y una explicación posible al conflicto suscitado en torno de la acción colectiva de los trabajadores rurales y la intervención del gobierno de Vázquez en el mismo (entre 2005 y 2007). Pero estos hechos sociales, las ocupaciones de tierra, también constituyen un hecho político. Esto no cambia nuestra mirada sociológica, es decir nuestra descripción y análisis de los fenómenos efectivamente ocurridos en la sociedad, nuestra sociología de los hechos y actores políticos.

“El Ceibo” y organizaciones moxeñas: dos emprendimientos exitosos en Bolivia.

Training Resources & Tools
October, 2008

Documento presentado en la "Reunión Técnica Internacional sobre Comunidades Indígenas, Tierra, Desarrollo e Institucionalidad.2008" Conclusiones principales: • Necesidad de articular y mantener un vínculo entre las organizaciones de carácter social y político con las organizaciones de carácter económico. • La planificación territorial es menos preponderante en términos de desarrollo, que la constitución y representación de actores sociales, que luego interactúan con las instituciones públicas y privadas.

From Risk and Conflict to Peace and Prosperity

Reports & Research
January, 2017
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Amid the realities of major political turbulence, there was growing recognition in 2016 that the land rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities are key to ensuring peace and prosperity, economic development, sound investment, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Despite equivocation by governments, a critical mass of influential investors and companies now recognize the market rationale for respecting community land rights.

The Recognition and Security of Customary Tenure of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia: a Legal Perspective

Reports & Research
October, 2016

This short thematic study challenges the assumption that the legal framework to recognize and protect indigenous peoples’ (IP) customary lands is adequate and that the challenge lies in its implementation. With support from MRLG, a core group of IP NGOs of the Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Alliance (CIPA) held a series of seminars to scrutinize this legal framework, identify gaps and make recommendations for a revision of the supporting legal framework. The thematic study documents this joint reflection.

Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos dos Povos Indígenas

International Conventions or Treaties
April, 2008

A Assembléia Geral, Tomando nota da recomendação que figura na resolução 1/2 do Conselho dos Direitos Humanos, de 29 de junho de 2006, na qual o Conselho aprovou o texto da Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos dos Povos Indígenas, Recordando sua resolução 61/178, de 20 de dezembro de 2006, em que decidiu adiar o exame e a adoção de medidas sobre a Declaração a fim de dispor de mais tempo para seguir realizando consultas a respeito, e decidiu também concluir o exame da Declaração antes de que terminasse o sexagésimo-primeiro período de sessões, Aprova a Declaração das Nações Unidas

Modo capitalista de produção, agricultura e reforma agrária

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2006

Compreender a questão agrária sob o modo capitalista de produção sempre foi tarefa difícil e complicada. Não porque muitos autores não a tenham praticamente esgotada, mas porque os estudos mais trazem discordâncias do que convergência. Por isso, esta temática cria atritos entre os conservadores e os progressistas, entre os socialistas e os comunistas, e entre todos eles e os anarquistas. Não há possibilidade nenhuma de consenso ou mesmo de aproximações. Sempre haverá pressupostos que se interporão abrindo espaço para a polêmica e discussões.

Innovative Approach to Land Conflict Transformation: Lessons learned from the HAGL/indigenous communities’ mediation process in Ratanakiri, Cambodia

Training Resources & Tools
April, 2017

In the Mekong region, conflicts between local communities and large scale land concessions are widespread. They are often difficult to solve. In Cambodia, an innovative approach to conflict resolution was tested in a case involving a private company, Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAGL), and several indigenous communities who lost some of their customary lands and forests when the company obtained a concession to grow rubber in the Province of Ratanakiri. The approach was developed by CSOs Equitable Cambodia (EC) and Inclusive Development International (IDI) with the support of QDF funding from MRLG.

IWGIA Urgent Alert

Policy Papers & Briefs
January, 2009

IWGIA has recently been informed by local partners in Tanzania that a government operation aimed at forcefully removing pastoralists from the Kilosa district in the Morogoro Region in southern Tanzania started on the 29.1.2009. The Tanzanian government wants to remove all pastoralists from Kilosa district and, according to some sources, the whole of Morogoro Region, and force them to other areas of Tanzania. Such areas have though, according to IWGIA local partners as yet not been specified, and the affected families do not know where to go to.

Communal Tenure and the Governance of Common Property Resources in Asia

Reports & Research
November, 2011
United States of America
Sri Lanka
United Kingdom
Republic of Korea
Brunei Darussalam
Papua New Guinea

Land Tenure Working Paper 20. This paper presents an analysis of communal tenure and its role for natural resource management system, in different contexts of selected Asian countries. The current market driven pressures on natural resources create both challenges and opportunities for communities and governments to use and strengthen communal tenure in order to promote sustainable management of some natural resources.