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Issues pastoral land rights related News
Displaying 1 - 12 of 39
23 September 2023
Sometimes at high-level international events, like the Africa Climate Summit held in early September 2023, we do not have the opportunity to, or forget to, include the voices of people who are going through the very issues discussed.
23 May 2023
Latest paper from the WOLTS team offers new evidence of a sustainable approach to securing land rights for women and communities 
17 February 2023
It is proposed in Uzbekistan to develop a draft law “On pastures” in a new edition and the procedure for granting pasture land plots for rent.
30 January 2023
NELGA has put out nine country profiles about South Sudan, South Africa, Nigeria, Niger, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Tunisia, Egypt, and Mauritania. These profiles give information about pastoralism and small-scale agriculture in these countries.
7 September 2022
Millions of people are facing food insecurity.  Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia could be experiencing their worst drought in 40 years this October-December with drier-than-average conditions predicted.
22 August 2022
Highlighting issues related to transhumance in the Central African Republic, including conflicts between herders and farmers, Julie Bétabélé, a doctor in natural resource management at the University of Bangui, deplores the creation by herders of other specific corridors.
13 July 2022
The conflicts between herders and farmers over water and grazing opportunities have been going on for decades.
26 February 2022
In early 1997, a cohort of members of parliament from the long-neglected pastoralist rangelands defied President Daniel arap Moi to hold a meeting that formed the Pastoralist Parliamentary Group. Paul Goldsmith looks back his contribution to the meeting.
28 January 2022
Pastoralist communities are effectively losing their rights to their communal lands through an obscure and predatory engagement process that involves conservation NGOs and self-seeking community leaders
19 July 2021
Pastoral communities in Northern Kenya are pleading with their County Governments to allocate resources for community land sensitization and acquisition of title deeds. The community group ranches drawn from Isiolo, Marsabit, Samburu and Laikipia counties met in Laikipia North, in an event
3 April 2021
Dzuds, a weather phenomenon characterized by extreme cold, used to be unusual. Now, they’re becoming the new normal. DALANZADGAD, UMNUGOVI PROVINCE, MONGOLIA — Clouds gather in the moody winter sky, and the wind picks up. As the temperature plummets, sheep and goats turn from the pasture where
10 November 2020
UNDP-supported project to benefit close to one million vulnerable people in a nation where climate change is threatening natural resources and fragile ecosystems  

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