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Issueswaste (abuse)LandLibrary Resource
There are 675 content items of different types and languages related to waste (abuse) on the Land Portal.
Displaying 433 - 444 of 666

Integrating Food into Urban Planning

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018
United States of America
Costa Rica

The integration of food into urban planning is a crucial and emerging topic. Urban planners, alongside the local and regional authorities that have traditionally been less engaged in food-related issues, are now asked to take a central and active part in understanding the way food is produced, processed, packaged, transported, marketed, consumed, disposed of and recycled in our cities.


Journal Articles & Books
October, 2013

The results of use of nontraditional organic fertilizers on the basis of wastewater sludges and sawdust in sand pits earth stabilization are considered. It was ascertained that a dose of introduced fertilizers has higher influence on hydrophysical and agrochemical properties of soils than shelf life of the fertilizers.

Landscape—A Review with a European Perspective

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2019

This article aims to act as a general literature review regarding the landscape, analyzing it through a synthesis of the main concepts and processes that have generated, and subsequently developed, the word “Landscape”. It is a versatile theme, because it has always been studied by various disciplines, through different theories, which sometimes even conflict with each other. Through the present text, we understand the importance and the unique value of the landscape, a value that has nowadays been transfigured by the strong industrialization and strong brand of man in the territory.

Nueva Constitución para Chile en el contexto del estallido social actual

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2019

Nueva Constitución para Chile en el contexto del estallido social actual
Luis Pezo Orellana
“¡Chile despertó!”, es una de las consignas que se dicen, escriben y cantan en el marco de las movilizaciones que a diario se realizan, producto del inédito e impresionante estallido social que se ha producido a lo largo de todo el país desde el 18 de octubre de este año.

Tierratorio de la paz-conflicto y el desacuerdo de paz

Policy Papers & Briefs
October, 2019

Tierratorio de la paz-conflicto y el desacuerdo de paz
Flavio Bladimir Rodríguez Muñoz
Docente investigador Área conflicto y dinámica social
Director Programa de Geografía - Universidad Externado de Colombia
Andrés Felipe López Galvis
Estudiante de Doctorado
Universidad Toulouse 2 – Jean Jaurès, UMR CNRS 5193 LISST/Dynamiques Rurales, Francia y Programa de Geografía, Universidad Externado de Colombia
Luis Ángel Ojeda Rodríguez Agrónomo – Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Marco General

Una década para la reparación de los daños que dejaron los incendios forestales

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2019
South America

Una década para la reparación de los daños que dejaron los incendios forestales
Lorenzo Soliz
Tristemente, el 2019 pasará a la historia como el año en que la humanidad incendió el planeta, la casa grande de todos los seres vivos. El fuego está arrasando con muchas áreas de distintas regiones de países del norte y del sur.
Arden los pulmones del planeta

Construyendo caminos de esperanza: Narrativas de jóvenes de la Amazonia colombiana

Policy Papers & Briefs
March, 2019

Construyendo caminos de esperanza: Narrativas de jóvenes de la Amazonia colombiana

Andrea Susana Lopez Torres,

Luz Dary Sotto Carvajal, Luis Eduardo López Castro


Todos participan de la iniciativa “Semillero de Investigación Inti Wayra” desarrollada en la Universidad de la Amazonia, Caquetá, Colombia. Este ensayo obtuvo el primer lugar en la séptima versión del Concurso Alimentos y pensamiento siempre en agenda cuya temática propuesta fue “Historias de vida que sobreviven la violencia y persecución en el campo en Sudamérica”. 

Sob o signo do despejo: a resistência camponesa no Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) a partir da trajetória de Roseli Borges

Policy Papers & Briefs
April, 2019

A questão agrária no Brasil e na América Latina é politicamente elaborada diante da concentração fundiária e da correspondente dificuldade de acesso dos camponeses à terra. As experiências de despejo têm sido marca constitutiva do imaginário social e da vida de inúmeros trabalhadores e trabalhadoras rurais em todo o território brasileiro (MARTINS, 1983, 2003). Trata-se de uma experiência dramática e que, dada a sua recorrência e intensidade, é constitutiva da experiência dos despossuídos rurais no Brasil.

Uganda : The First Urban Project

August, 2012

The project's original objectives
were to: a) improve living conditions and alleviate poverty
in Kampala; b) improve urban financial management; and 3)
strengthen institutional capacity. As part of the mid-term
restructuring, monitor modifications were made to these
objectives: 1) strengthen the Kampala City Council's
(KCC) ability to better deliver, finance, and maintain basic
urban services for all Kampala residents, particularly the

Restoring Urban Infrastructure and Services in Nigeria

August, 2012

Nigeria's urban infrastructure is
crumbling. Water supply, sewerage, sanitation, drainage,
roads, electricity, and waste disposal-all suffer from years
of serious neglect. Periodic and routine maintenance, by far
the most cost-effective infrastructure spending, is almost
zero. It has become the norm in Nigeria to wait for a
capital infusion to rehabilitate, replacing instead of
maintaining the infrastructure. But declining financial

Towards Environmentally Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

August, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

Environmental degradation primarily
affects the poor, both in rural and urban areas. Reversing
the downward spiral of this degradation is essential to any
strategy for reducing poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. This
study outlines the World Bank's strategy for improving
its assistance to SSA countries as they move toward
environmentally sustainable development (ESD). It assesses
the environmental situation and long-term trends in Africa,