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Issues land policies related News
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28 March 2019
The provincial government on Tuesday ordered the creation of a forum in a bid to find a resolution in the 10-year land dispute between 12 ethnic minority communities in Ratanakkiri province and Vietnamese agribusiness giant Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAGL) over 20 ancestral “spirit mountains”. Soy Sona,
28 March 2019
Another election is upon us, and we are preoccupied with some matters that are grave and many that are not. But noticeable by its absence in any of the manifestos and declarations by political parties is a debate about the future of human civilisation.
19 March 2019
Odisha's record in addressing forest rights is poorer than the national average, despite the Union Tribal Minister hailing from the state As Odisha goes to poll in April, the concerns of 95,91,000 tribals in the state will be a prominent electoral issue. The Schedule Tribes (ST) account for nearly
19 March 2019
Sergio Rojas, a leader of the Bribrí community in Costa Rica, was murdered Monday night in the indigenous territory of Salitre. An investigation into the death is underway, and President Carlos Alvarado has called the events “a tragic day for the Bribrí people, the indigenous communities and for
15 March 2019
Aboriginals in Australia have won a ground-breaking case that paves the way for billions of dollars in compensation claims for colonial land loss, as well as loss of spiritual connection. The High Court of Australia ruled in favor of the Ngaliwurru and Nungali groups from the Northern Territory
8 March 2019
KASSERINE/TUNISIA: Souad Gharsalli lives in a rented flat in the center of Kasserine, in western Tunisia, baking and selling artisanal bread to make money. But she should be growing olive trees for a living, she says. Gharsalli, 47, grew up with three brothers and six sisters on her family’s 7
5 March 2019
If the main purpose of government is to provide for the common security of its citizens, surely ensuring the security of the food system must be among its paramount duties. The United Nations identifies the food crisis as one of the primary and overarching challenges facing the international
5 March 2019
PENAMPANG: The country’s first indigenous Chief Justice Tan Sri Richard Malanjum may get a “tweak on the ear” when the United Nation Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples makes her official visit to Malaysia. Senator Adrian Lasimbang said on Monday that Malanjum’s appointment to
2 March 2019
The claims are by tribal or pastoral communities seeking community rights over forest land they have inhabited for generations.
28 February 2019
In recent years, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) has been mobilizing parliaments and calling for action on climate change and risk reduction. Since 2009, the Union has organized parliamentary meetings at Conferences of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to
27 February 2019
It’s now been over 10 years since countries around the world started to work on the international policy framework known by reference as the acronym REDD+, which stands for ‘reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, conservation and sustainable management of forests and
22 February 2019
Scientists at the University of Bern have found a connection between rising levels of socio-economic inequality and the rates of deforestation in Latin America.   In combination with a rising level or urbanization across Central and South America, human development is a growing threat to the lungs

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