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IssuesgrazingLandLibrary Resource
There are 768 content items of different types and languages related to grazing on the Land Portal.
Displaying 553 - 564 of 753

Economic and ecological carrying capacity implications for livestock development in the dryland communal areas of Zimbabwe

December, 1988
Sub-Saharan Africa

Carrying capacity (CC) is a term often talked about in relation to livestock in the communal areas (CAs). It is the source of much confusion. This discussion paper will hopefully clarify some of the issues and make the implications for the policy debate clearer. It is based on the preliminary findings of field work carried out in Zvisharane District during 1986 and 1987.

Land degradation and grazing in the Kalahari: new analysis and alternative perspectives

December, 1994
Sub-Saharan Africa

Results from this study show that the over-used but under-researched association between grazing and land degradation in the Kalahari has been oversimplified. In typical Kalahari conditions, the ecological changes that have been brought about by grazing cannot be linked with more fundamental changes in ecosystem function. Basic soil processes appear relatively unaffected by grazing pressure outside the sacrifice zone, and there is no evidence to suggest that the resilience of the system has been affected through soil degradation.

Mapping and modelling the effects of land use and land management change on ecosystem services from local ecosystems and landscapes to global biomes

Reports & Research
December, 2014
South Africa
Southern Africa

Herstel en duurzaam beheer van biodiversiteit en ecosysteemdiensten worden steeds meer geïntegreerd in nationaal en internationaal beleid. In dit proefschrift wordt een methodologie ontwikkeld voor de kwantificering van effecten van landmanagement op de ruimtelijke verspreiding van ecosysteemdiensten, zodat de door landmanagement veroorzaakte trade-offs tussen ecosysteemdiensten bepaald kunnen worden voor zowel lokale ecosystemen en landschappen als regionale en mondiale biomen. Een groot aantal ecosysteemdiensten zijn bestudeerd.

Wildlife Conservation (Wildlife Management Areas) Regulations, 2012 (G.N No. 206 of 2012).

December, 2011

These Regulations make provision for the declaration, administration and management of wildlife management areas and the establishment of Community Based Organizations for such administration and management. They also provide for non-consumptive and consumptive utilisation of resources of wildlife management areas, the resolution of disputes and management of conflicts in such areas and define offences.Any village intending to designate an area as a Wildlife Management Area shall first establish a Community Based Organization in the manner prescribed under the Trustees’ Incorporation Act.

Programa de Acción Nacional contra la Desertificación 2008.

National Policies
July, 2008

El objetivo fundamental del Programa de Acción Nacional contra la Desertificación (PAND) es contribuir al logro del desarrollo sostenible de las zonas áridas, semiáridas y subhúmedas secas del territorio nacional y, en particular, la prevención o la reducción de la degradación de las tierras, la rehabilitación de tierras parcialmente degradadas y la recuperación de tierras desertificadas.

Makonde Rural District Council (Communal and Resettlement Land) (Land Use and Conservation) By-laws, 2012 (S.I. 172 of 2012).

December, 2011

These By-laws, approved by the Minister in terms of section 90 of the Rural District Councils Act, shall apply to communal and resettlement land within the Makonde Rural District Council. They allow the Makonde Rural District Council to prepare a plan for- (a) all communal or resettlement land within the Council area; or (b) any ward or combination of wards in communal and resettlement land within the Council area; or (c) any part of award or wards in communal and resettlement land within the Council area. The By-laws set out the procedure for preparation and adoption of the Plan.

Grassland Law of the People's Republic of China 2002 (Order of the President No.82) 。

May, 1985

This Law is enacted with a view to protecting, developing and making rational use of grasslands, improving the ecological environment, maintaining the diversity of living things, modernizing animal husbandry and promoting the sustainable development of the economy and society.The grasslands are owned by the State, with the exception of the grasslands owned by collectives as provided for by law. The State-owned grasslands may be assigned for use to the units under the ownership by the whole people and to collective economic organizations.

Rural Land Use Policy for Fiji.

National Policies
December, 2005

The Rural Land Use Policy for Fiji is a national policy with a multi-sectoral approach. The general principle of this Policy is to determine responsibilities of the State, landowners and land users in the fields of sustainable rural development, land management, protection of natural resources, having regard to biophysical, cultural, social and commercial factors.Technical, institutional and legal framework will be strengthened and assessment will be carried out on agricultural land, pastures and forests to ensure efficient land use.

Law No. 951 “On pastures”.

March, 2013

This Law regulates social relations concerning use of pastures. The principles of use of pastures shall be as follows: (a) efficient and complex management of pastures; (b) protection of pastures and environment; (c) correspondence of national and regional interests; (d) transparency related to the use of pastures; (e) accessibility of pastures to natural and legal persons; and (f) creation of favorable conditions for investments related to improvement of the efficiency of pastures management. All pastures in the Republic of Tajikistan shall be national property.

Land Husbandry (Amendment) Act (No. 19 of 1974).

January, 1975

This Act amends the Land Husbandry Act 1969: in section 3 (2) (b) by deleting the words "of section 93 of the Constitution" and substituting the following therefor "of section 4 of the Land Act 1973"; in section 4 relative to consultation of local authorities by the Minister when making of Regulations in regard to a particular agricultural area; and by deleting section 5. Section 5 concerned consultation by the Minister when making Regulations.

Amends: Land Husbandry Act, 1969 (No. 22 of 1969). (1969-04-23)

Ordonnance N°2010-29 du 20 mai 2010 relative au pastoralisme.

May, 2010

La présente ordonnance (qui complète celle n°93-015 du 2 mars 1993 portant principes d’orientation du code rural) définit et précise les principes fondamentaux et les règles régissant le pastoralisme au Niger.Cette ordonnance consacre la mobilité des éleveurs, pasteurs nomades et transhumants comme un droit fondamental reconnu et garanti par l’Etat et les collectivités territoriales. Les modes d’accès et des droits sur les ressources foncières pastorales relevant du domaine public de l’Etat ou des collectivités territoriales sont régis par les traditions pastorales.