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IssuesdecentralizationLandLibrary Resource
There are 630 content items of different types and languages related to decentralization on the Land Portal.
Displaying 421 - 432 of 607

اللامركزية والضرائب على الملكية الريفية

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2004

تم إعداد هذا الدليل الخاص باللامركزية والضريبة على الملكية الريفية لمساعدة القائمين على إدارة الأراضي الذين يشاركون في تصميم وتنفيذ نظم الضريبة على الملكية الريفية، في وضع يشهد تزايد دعوة مؤسسات حيازة الأراضي إلى دعم نقل مسؤولية الخدمات إلى الحكومات المحلية. ويتوقع من عملية اللامركزية هذه أن تحسّن تقديم الخدمات عبر إيكالها إلى المستوى الحكومي الأقرب من المستفيدين منها. وإذ يتسع نطاق الخدمات التي توكل بها الحكومات المحلية، فإن العديد من البنى الحكومية الريفية ما زالت تفتقر إلى الموارد اللازمة للاضطلاع بالمسؤوليات الجديدة الملقاة على عاتقها.

L'évolution du rôle des institutions forestières

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1994

Ce numro d'Unasylva est la suite logique du n 175 (Politiques et lgislations forestires) o l'on soulignait que, dans l'laboration de politiques et de lgislations nouvelles et pour un dveloppement durable des ressources forestires, le processus dynamique et participatif doit s'accompagner d'une rforme et d'un renforcement des institutions gouvernementales et non gouvernementales appeles jouer un rle majeur dans la mise en uvre de ces politiques. On passe donc en revue ici les changements institutionnels au secteur forestier oprs dans un certain nombre de pays.

Sociedades, legislación pesquera e instituciones marítimas en el Mediterráneo

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2004

En esta publicación se examinan algunas políticas de ordenación pesquera en el Mediterráneo a la luz de los nuevos objetivos de la sostenibilidad y el buen gobierno. Se hace hincapié en la descentralización de la acción pública y la reforma de los mecanismos institucionales. En el primer capítulo, se evalúan las bases históricas y sociales del dualismo entre las pesquerías en pequeña escala y las industriales.

Conciliar la multiplicidad de intereses en la actividad forestal

Journal Articles & Books
November, 1998

En diciembre de 1997, la FAO alberg un seminario sobre el pluralismo y el desarrollo forestal y rural sostenible, cuya finalidad era intercambiar informacin y experiencias y encontrar mtodos que permitan optimizar la cooperacin entre distintos grupos interesados en la ordenacin de los recursos forestales. El seminario cont con la presencia de 35 participantes en representacin de organizaciones (y de tipos de organizacin, regiones geogrficas y disciplinas) diferentes. Los artculos de este nmero de Unasylva son adaptaciones de los documentos presentados en ese seminario.

Mapping traditional structures in decentralisation policies: illustrations from three countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Near East

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2001
Burkina Faso
Syrian Arab Republic
Saudi Arabia

Information is provided on why to involve traditional leaders in the decentralisation and restructuring process. The extent to which this may be happening anyhow (by default) is part of the research hypotheses that guided fieldwork, which have not found to be relevant in all countries.

La décentralisation et l'impôt sur la propriété rurale

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2004

Le présent guide sur La décentralisation et l'impôt sur la propriété rurale a été préparé pour aider les administrateurs des terres qui participent à la conception et à la mise en œuvre de systèmes d'imposition sur la propriété rurale. Les institutions foncières sont de plus en plus souvent appelées à soutenir la décentralisation des services vers les collectivités locales. L'un des objectifs de la décentralisation est d'améliorer la prestation de services au niveau administratif le plus proche de ces services.

Utilization of agricultural and forestry resources in Central Guatemalan Highlands: a case study

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2011

This paper analyses some key findings emerged in the study of the Mayan community of S. Jos Sinach, located in the Guatemalan Highlands. The research highlights how colonial and post-colonial legislation influences the actual land tenure and hampers the development of the community. Little land ownership together with high demographic growth lead to insufficient crop production. As a consequence, human pressure on S. Jos forest and seasonal migration to sugar cane plantations of the Pacific Coast is carried out by householders in order to ensure subsistence to their families.


Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2003

The government of Uganda is currently decentralizing many of its services including those directly related to agriculture and the environment. Non-government organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) are being asked to take the lead in the provision of government services such as agricultural extension during the transition to demand driven fee-for-service. This paper explores the role of government programs, NGOs and CBOs in the adoption of land management technologies.

Collective Action to Secure Property Rights for the Poor: A Case Study in Jambi Province, Indonesia

Conference Papers & Reports
June, 2008

This study presents an approach to analyzing decentralized forestry and naturalresource management and land property rights issues, and catalyzing collectiveaction among villages and district governments. It focuses on understanding thecurrent policies governing local people’s access to property rights and decisionmaking processes, and learning how collective action among community groups andinteraction among stakeholders can enhance local people’s rights over lands,resources, and policy processes for development.

Comparing the evolution of spatial inequality in China and India: a fifty-year perspective

Reports & Research
December, 2006

In the second half of the last century, both India and China have undergone major transitions and have moved to more liberalized economies. This paper relates the observed patterns in regional inequality to major events during this period. Because of China’s institutional barriers to migration, regional inequality is much higher than in India. Also, China’s decentralization and opening up are closely related to the observed regional inequality - particularly the inland-coastal disparity - since the reform period.

Impact of Property Rights Reform to Support China’s Rural-Urban Integration

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2015
Eastern Asia

As part of a national experiment in 2008, Chengdu prefecture implemented ambitious property rights reforms, including complete registration of all land together with measures to ease transferability and eliminate migration restrictions. A triple difference approach using the Statistics Bureau’s regular household panel suggests that the reforms increased consumption and income, especially for less wealthy and less educated households, with estimated benefits well above the cost of implementation.