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Dampak pembangunan sektoral terhadap konversi dan degradasi hutan alam: kasus pembangunan HTI dan perkebunan di Indonesia

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2000

This paper examines the conversion of Indonesia’s natural forests to timber and tree crop plantations, notably oil palm. The principal aims are to understand the impact of this process on natural forest and on forest-dwelling people, and to establish whether past and present policies governing this process are meeting their objectives.

Development of a participatory action research approach for four agricultural carbon projects in East Africa

Reports & Research
September, 2013
Eastern Africa

This paper describes an action research process undertaken with four African agricultural carbon projects—CARE’s Sustainable Agriculture in Changing Climate Initiative in Western Kenya; World Vision’s Assisted Natural Regeneration Project in Humbo, Ethiopia; Vi Agroforestry’s Western Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project; and ECOTRUST’s Trees for Global Benefits in Uganda—to explore their institutional changes as project managers and communities work to build local capacity for project management.

Empowering a local community to address climate risks and food insecurity in Lower Nyando, Kenya

Conference Papers & Reports
April, 2013
Eastern Africa

In erosion- and drought-prone Nyando, self-help groups affiliated to large umbrella bodies are working with extension agents, researchers and development partners to improve local livestock and diversify crops, to improve soil and water management, and to pool financial and labour resources.

Environment, development and poverty: a report of the international workshop on India’s forest management and ecological revival

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1995

India is vast, diverse and complex, in its environments and in environment-society relations. These relationships, and government policies which influence or control them, are the subject of very significant reforms currently occurring in India. At the most fundamental level, this report asks "Who is to protect, manage and regenerate India’s forests, where and for what, and what resources or support does each agent need to fulfil the mandate efficiently and equitably?" The conventional forestry systems have been under scrutiny.

Gouverner les forêts Africaines à l’ère de la mondialisation

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

De nombreux pays dans le monde sont engagés dans des processus de décentralisation et la plupart des États africains sont confrontés à de graves problèmes de gouvernance forestière, depuis la répartition des avantages à l’illégalité et à la gestion durable des forêts. Ce livre résume les expériences à ce jour concernant l’ampleur et la nature de la décentralisation ainsi que les conséquences de celle-ci, dont la plupart suggèrent une sous-performance des réformes de gouvernance.

La competencia por la tierra entre la agricultura y la ganaderia en el minifundio costeno

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1984
South America

The results of a case study conducted in Betulia (Sucre, Colombia) in May-Dec. 1983 to evaluate the competition for land between cassava cultivation (monocropped or in association with maize or yam) and cattle raising are discussed. In general, profits from cassava either in association or in monoculture are much higher than for cattle raising. Regarding labor requirements, cassava cultivation and cattle raising are equally attractive from an economic viewpoint.

Les Approches participatives dans la gestion des ecosystemes forestiers d'Afrique Centrale: revue des initiatives existantes

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1999

Developments in the international institutional context and in the capacity of governments to ensure sustainable forest management in Central Africa lead to new approaches to participatory management being explored. The author reviews current initiatives in this field in Congo Brazzaville, Gabon, Cameroon, Central African Republic and Equatorial Guinea. Such initiatives are still in an experimental stage and aim at answering issues linked with conventional forest management as well as meeting prerequisites imposed by international organisations for granting aid to development.

Practicas sencillas para aumentar el rendimiento del cultivo de la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 1979
South America

The low cassava yields obtained in L.A. at present are the result of a complex of problems: 1) deficient quality of planting material, which results in low sprouting, poor rooting and little initial vigor; 2) inadequate land preparation and planting systems; 3) control systems for pests and diseases are unknown and weed control, untimely; 4) some local var. have a low yield potential. The CIAT Cassava Program has developed a set of simple low-cost practices aimed towards increasing cassava yields.

Development, Displacement and Rehabilitation of Tribal People: A Case Study of Orissa

Reports & Research
June, 2002

The main objective of this paper is to describe the magnitude of displacement, the rehabilitation policy and the impact with special reference to tribal people in Orissa. The paper, divided into four sections, discusses the tribal displacement briefly in section one. The second section provides a bird’s eye view of dam-induced displacements in Orissa. Experiences related to four major dams of Orissa have been discussed in section three. Concluding observations have been presented in the last section.