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Issues land distribution related News
Displaying 49 - 60 of 98
9 November 2018
The government has approved 116 projects valued at MAD 81 million for 93 “sulaliyat” groups, who hold the rights to communal agricultural land. The projects, which were approved this year, aim to support income-generating projects for rights holders, said Minister of the Interior Abdelouafi Laftit
7 November 2018
Tribal group reignite protest on anniversary of attack that saw members killed, thousands 'evicted from ancestral lands' Rights activists and Santals have renewed calls on the government to return large swathes of disputed land to the ethnic minority community in northern Bangladesh. The call was
30 October 2018
Sri Lanka’s civil war ended nearly a decade ago, but Maithili Thamil Chilwen’s barren plot of land still resembles a battlefield. There is only a mound of dirt where her home once stood in Keppapilavu village in the country’s northeast; the rest is just dirt, gravel, and broken shards of doors
22 October 2018
MANILA, Philippines — The deaths of nine sugar workers in Negros Occidental over the weekend is a sign of continuing social injustice, a land rights advocacy group that has been working with farmers on Negros island said Monday. "The agrarian reform program began 30 years ago and thousands of farm
19 October 2018
JOHANNESBURG: Thousands of land claimants are taking government back to court for failing to process old claims. The Constitutional Court will hear the matter on November 6. Admitting to have failed to comply with the court’s order to re-enact legislation within 24 months to enable processing
19 October 2018
The Responsible Land Policy project (RELAPU) is being implemented in the two districts Land conflicts are expected to reduce in Teso sub region after the German government and the Lands Ministry has come in to resolve land disputes and demarcate land in Soroti and Katakwi Districts. The German
18 October 2018
Recent violent events in Nicaragua, as noted in my previous column, are forcing some of us on the left to take a hard look at power -- and how even power on the left can corrupt. To better understand present-day events, harken back to Nicaragua at the time of the Sandinista Revolution and the
4 October 2018
The expropriation of land without compensation is dominating debate on land reform, but speakers at a conference on land reform on Wednesday said there are deeper and more imperative challenges to tackle to ensure South Africans access to land.  Changing the law to allow for the expropriation of
4 October 2018
WINDHOEK - According to the latest updated statistics, there are 308 informal settlements in Namibia with a staggering 228 000 shacks accommodating about 995 000 people in urban areas. This was revealed by Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia’s national facilitator Edith Mbanga, who says this means
19 September 2018
One similarity between the three Asian economies, namely Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, is their success in becoming high-income countries after World War II while maintaining a more equal distribution of income. Currently the Gini Index of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are in the low 0.30s, while
4 June 2018
The Karen National Union’s Agriculture Department will give priority to assist the public in obtaining their land ownership rights and solve land issues that rose up in the mixed controlled areas within this year. The department made the decision during its 12th year-end meeting held at Kalo Yaw
2 March 2018
Government needs to strengthen institutions of land reform‚ eliminate corruption and deal with bureaucracy if it wants to succeed with the new land reform proposals. That’s according to prominent advocate Tembeka Ngcukaitobi. He said this was the thrust of what President Cyril Ramaphosa

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