Impacts of the Boom-Bust Cycle on the Effectiveness of Policies for Moderating the Consequences of Sprawl on Residential Development
Effect of land use change on urban heat at Vientiane capital, Lao PDR
Application of geographic information system for selected commercial crop zonation mapping in Nong Han Luang, Sakon Nakhon province, Thailand
Administrative institutions and acts for unused farmlands in hilly and mountainous areasA case study of Nagano City agricultural committee
The purpose of this study is to show the administrative institutions and acts for the unused farmlands in hilly and mountainous areas. The Nagano City Agricultural Commitee surveyed the farmland used in 2013, and produced a survey in collaboration with the members of their committee as well as other farmers. In this survey, it was shown that almost all the unused farmlands were kept as forests and thus, couldn't be cultivated. Before the 1970s, silk was produced in Nagano City, and so almost all the unused farmlands were used for mulberry production which supported the silk industry.
Improvement of agrarian land use
In a course of the research there was studied identification of problems and directions of improvement of agrarian land use. The research was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. The possibility of practical application of results of estimation of production potential of agricultural organizations and ecological state of territory for economically-functional zoning of agricultural lands was examined.
Agricultural land market in Russia and large corporate farms
Production potential of agricultural lands of agricultural organizations in Mogilev region and its rational use
The effectiveness of the use of land in an intensive agricultural rotation is influenced by a number of factors. Of great practical interest is the study of production potential of agricultural lands of agricultural organizations, the establishment of its impact on production results in crop breeding at the regional (oblast) level, where production and economic relations are closely tied. The results of such research will optimize agricultural land usage and improve specialization of agricultural production.