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Issuesland managementLandLibrary Resource
There are 8, 239 content items of different types and languages related to land management on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2761 - 2772 of 6709

Act amending the Act on protection of agricultural and forest land.

Eastern Europe

This Act lays down some amendments and addenda to the Act on protection of agricultural and forest land. In particular, the present Act amends provisions concerning allocation of agricultural and forest land for non-agricultural and non-forest purposes (art. 7 of the amended Act) and recultivation of agricultural and forest land (art. 22b).

Amends: Act on protection of agricultural and forest lands. (1995-02-03)

Infrastructure Planning (Model Provisions) (England and Wales) Order 2009 (S.I. No. 2265 of 2009).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations prescribe model provisions for inclusion in the draft Order, which the Infrastructure Planning (Applications and Procedure) Regulations 2009 require to accompany an application for an order granting development consent. The Regulations also determine when and how these model provisions shall be used.

Implements: Planning Act 2008 (Cap. 29). (2008-11-26)

Legislative Decree No. 2/93 declaring specific areas as appropriate for tourism.

Cape Verde
Western Africa

One of the main concerns of the Cape Verde national tourism policy is to equip the country with an infrastructure that will enable it to develop tourism while protecting the natural environment. This Decree institutes tourism zones in the island regions suitable for tourism, and establishes ways in which land may be appropriated, and the procedures for its assignment to tourism promoters. Tourism zones are of two kinds: full tourism development zones (ZDTI) and tourism reserve and protection zones (ZRPT).

Arrêté du Gouvernement flamand fixant un régime indemnitaire en exécution de l'article 15, 15bis, 15ter, 15sexies, §§ 1er et 3 et 15septies du décret du 23 janvier 1991 relatif à la protection de l'environnement contre la pollution due aux engrais et m...

Western Europe

Cet arrêté du Gouvernement flamand fixe un régime indemnitaire en exécution de l'article 15, 15bis, 15ter, 15sexies, paragraphes 1er et 3 et 15septies du décret du 23 janvier 1991 relatif à la protection de l'environnement contre la pollution due aux engrais et modifie l'arrêté du Gouvernement flamand du 26 mai 2000 portant exécution de certains articles du même décret.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 69/99 approving the National Policy to Combat Desertification (PANCD).

Southern Europe

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers approves the National Policy to Combat Desertification (PANCD - U.N. Convention to Combat Desertification) and establishes procedures for its enforcement. The aim of this Resolution is to regulate, promote, enforce and manage actions to combat desertification in order to minimise drought effects within semi-arid and sub-humid areas, in particular those areas where soil erosion (environmental and natural resources destruction) is a well known problem.

Te Urewera Act 2014 (No. 51).

New Zealand

The purpose of this Act, consisting of 138 sections divided into three Parts and completed by five Schedules, is to establish and preserve in perpetuity a legal identity and protected status for Te Urewera for its intrinsic worth, its distinctive natural and cultural values, the integrity of those values, and for its national importance, and in particular to: (a) strengthen and maintain the connection between Tūhoe and Te Urewera; (b) preserve as far as possible the natural features and beauty of Te Urewera, the integrity of its indigenous ecological systems and biodiversity, and its histor

Ministerial Decree No. 94 on approval of regulations for land use.

Western Asia

This Decree sets forth provisions on efficient use of land for all land owners, users and lessees, soil operations, protection of environment, soil protection, improvement of natural and man-made landscapes, scientific research and sustainable development. This Decree specifies that land structures consist of complex and economic structure. The scheme and projects on soil operations shall be implemented by the State Committee on Property Issues and the State Committee of Real Estate and Land Issues of the Nakhcevan Autonomous Republic.

Governmental Decree No. 706 validating the Regulation on forest management.

Central Asia

This Governmental Decree establishes the modalities of forest management in public forest, on protected areas and in forests not pertaining to public forest fund. Forest management shall be performed by forest management organization subordinated to state Forest Service. In the process of forest management practice shall be performed mandatory forest inventory. Transfer of low value land areas in other categories. Forest management shall be completed with mapping of forest land.

Ministerial Decree No. 94 on approval of the regulation on state land cadastre.

Western Asia

This Decree underlines that state land cadastre shall be carried out on a single system. This system is composed of geo-botanical and other search-and-research studies on the basis of geodesic, cartographic and topographic data, land use registration, land registration, land evaluation, thematic mapping, inspection and methods for indicators affect adversely the soil fertility and soil quality. These methods and programs shall be approved by the State Committee on Property Issues.

Agriculture (Cross compliance) (No. 2) Regulations 2009 (Amendment) Regulations 2010 (S.I. No. 2941 of 2010).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations amend the Agriculture (Cross compliance) (No. 2) Regulations 2009 in Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 so as to clarify and extend the scope of the certain obligations.

Amends: Agriculture (Cross compliance) (No. 2) Regulations 2009 (S.I. No. 3365 of 2009). (2009-12-20)

Ministerial Decree No. 94 on approval of rules regarding technical aspects of land registration.

Western Asia

This Decree states that “land registration” aims at ensuring efficient use of land, increasing soil fertility, clarifying land resources, establishing soil balance, setting up strict rules for land use and mapping according to the results of land registration, by determining geometric dimensions, borders, configuration and changes in lands of all land owners, users and lessees.

Forest Regions and Districts Regulation (B.C. Reg. 123/2003).

Northern America

This Regulation enacts sections 151 (2) (b) and 151.1 of the Forest Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 157. Section 2 lays down provisions relating to the establishment and listing of forest regions, and section 3 contains provisions relating to the establishment and listing of forest districts. The text consists of 3 sections.

Implements: Forest Act ([RSBC 1996] Chapter 157). (2016-11-24)
Repeals: Forest Regions and Districts Regulation (B.C. Reg. 19/2000). (2000-01-28)