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Issues land reform related News
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19 September 2018
One similarity between the three Asian economies, namely Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, is their success in becoming high-income countries after World War II while maintaining a more equal distribution of income. Currently the Gini Index of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are in the low 0.30s, while
19 September 2018
In a watershed moment for land rights in Liberia and across Africa, President George Weah on Sept. 19 signed into law a land reform bill that extends land rights to millions of rural Liberians. The Land Rights Act ensures, for the first time, that the land rights of rural Liberians are recognized,
7 September 2018
If Liberia will remain peaceful and stable, it means that President George Weah needs to prioritize the Land Rights Bill that has already been passed through the Legislature, the Civil Society Oraganizations (CSO) Working Group on Land Rights Reform has said. On September 4, the House of
27 August 2018
Local Gov’t, Amendment to Constitution, Alien and Nationality Bills Soon? Following years of open hearings, debates, committee reports, and conference committee work, the Senate at its 54th day sitting last Thursday, unanimously voted to concur with the House of Representatives on passage of the
7 August 2018
In a letter dated July 20, 2018, GVL withdrew from the RSPO based on what the company termed as ‘time and space’ to implement its sustainable plan other than the RSPO recommendation.
1 August 2018
Indigenous communities occupying four territories in eastern Panama are taking their nearly five-year land-titling battle with the government to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Washington, D.C. Their move comes despite recent gains in the Panamanian process.
9 July 2018
Lands Minister Jean Kapata has said that her Ministry is still waiting to hear recommendations from the Traditional leaders on National Land Policy. Ms. Kapata said that the Traditional leaders held an indaba to further analyze the draft land policy and come up with recommendations to submit to
29 June 2018
This rapid scoping of the Food and Agricultural Organisation Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) sought the views of different organisations, individuals and activists on the usefulness of the guidelines for promoting forest tenure reform in support of secure
6 June 2018
Call for Papers Special Issue Land Journal: "Land Governance AND (Im)mobility: Exploring the Nexus between Land Acquisition, Displacement and Migration".
4 June 2018
AgriSA represents 28,000 commercial farmers. It believes the reason land reform has failed is not because of inadequate legislation. The Constitution should only be changed if it is deemed impossible to implement proper land reform under the current legal framework. There is, however, no compelling
30 May 2018
"Thirty years after the law was passed, land has not been given to peasant farmers who have tilled the land for generations" TAGUM CITY, Philippines - A dozen bamboo and tarpaulin tents are pitched on the pavement, festooned with washing and banners - the department in charge of agrarian reform
14 March 2018
An international conference, organised by the Emancipatory Rural Politics Initiative (ERPI), will take place in The Hague from 16-17 March 2018. Authoritarian populism is on the rise, boosted by support from rural areas. The conference examines why, and explores the alternatives: the social and

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