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IssuesurbanizationLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1357 - 1368 of 1498

Reterritorialization practices and strategies of campesinos in the urban frontier of Bogotá, Colombia

Peer-reviewed publication
November, 2020
South America
Central America

Much of the research on urbanization has focused on how rural populations move to cities for work opportunities. This paper takes a different perspective on the relations between rural populations and urbanization. The livelihoods of rural dwellers on the outskirts of the city of Bogotá in Colombia are increasingly affected by the expansion of urban activities and infrastructure. Therefore, urbanization takes place in the areas of residence of the rural populations; these people do not migrate to the city but, rather, the city migrates to them.

Attitudes of a farming community towards urban growth and rural fragmentation—An Auckland case study

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2016
New Zealand

As the global population continues to increase, rural areas are expected to accommodate future growth at the same time as continuing to feed growing populations. This tension is greatest on those who farm land that is earmarked for future urban growth. Yet, little is known about the attitudes and values of the affected rural farming communities or farmers’ perceptions of the challenges and opportunities that population growth presents.

Feeding and housing the urban population: Environmental impacts at the peri-urban interface under different land-use scenarios

Peer-reviewed publication
October, 2015

The environmental consequences of the decision to urbanise and displace peri-urban (PU) food production are not typically evaluated within a comprehensive, cross-sectoral approach. Using a novel application of life cycle assessment (LCA) within exploratory scenarios, a method for integrating housing and food production land uses in PU regions is proposed, based on relative environmental impacts.

Migraciones; articulos seleccionados

Institutional & promotional materials
April, 1977

El primer trabajo concierne a las politicas de desarrollo regional y urbano y a un modelo de regionalizacion, analizados por el Departamento Nacional de Planeacion de Colombia. Enseguida, J.E. Araujo y A. Franco se refieren a algunas politicas agrarias que pueden retardar el crecimiento poblacional urbano, especialmente en el caso de America Latina. A. Bose aborda, luego, el desarrollo rural, la dispersion de industrias y la redistribucion de la poblacion en el marco de las politicas de poblacion destinadas a contener y reorientar los flujos migratorios. Finalmente, J.B.

Informe de la Reunión de Expertos Preparatoria de un Mecanismo Permanente de Cooperación Horizontal entre Autoridades Metropolitanas de América Latina y el Caribe

Conference Papers & Reports
March, 1983
Latin America and the Caribbean

Contiene las conclusiones y recomendaciones de la reunion cuyo objetivo fue formular el anteproyecto de un mecanismo de cooperacion horizontal entre autoridades metropolitanas de America Latina y el Caribe, y proponer vias y medios para su formacion. Incluye listas de participantes y de documentos presentados.