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There are 2, 416 content items of different types and languages related to property rights on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1909 - 1920 of 2102

Application of foreign experience for improvement of land relations in agriculture of Ukraine

December, 2015

The main peculiarities of land relations abroad are highlighted in the article. Basic principles of foreign experience of land use regarding market circulation of land, concentration of major land resources by right of ownership as well as the process and ways of reformation of land relations are generalized and systematized. Some peculiarities of lease relations, collection of rents and restrictions on title to land for foreigners are analysed. Some positive aspects are distinguished in order to use them in Ukraine.

Changes of real estate registration in Ukraine

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2016

Changes to the legislation governing the state registration of rights to immovable property and their encumbrances aimed at simplifying relevant procedures, they will improve the existing legal regulation in this area and are designed to ensure the safety and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the owners, users’ real estate by creating additional safeguards for them.

The concept of land plot as a combination of smart contracts: a vision for creating blockchain cadastre

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2018

The key features of the blockchain databases, such as decentralization, distribution, security, and record of the history of all transactions, create significant prospects for their application in the field of cadastre and real estate registration activities, including creation of the global real estate cadastre infrastructure, which will be able to go beyond national legal systems and jurisdictions. The conceptual approach to registration of land plots as spatial objects using blockchain technology is proposed.

Gender, Assets, and Agricultural Development: Lessons from Eight Projects

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016
Southern Asia

Ownership of assets is important for poverty reduction, and women’s control of assets is associated with positive development outcomes at the household and individual levels. This research was undertaken to provide guidance for agricultural development programs on how to incorporate gender and assets in the design, implementation, and evaluation of interventions. This paper synthesizes the findings of eight mixed-method evaluations of the impacts of agricultural development projects on individual and household assets in seven countries in Africa and South Asia.

Can current land and water governance systems promote sustainable and equitable large-scale agricultural investments in sub-Saharan Africa?

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2015

Ever since the oil, financial and food crises of 2008, sub-Saharan Africa has witnessed a marked increase in large-scale investment in agricultural land. The drivers of this investment are varied and include growing food, water and energy insecurity as well as social and economic interests of investors and recipient countries. The shape of these investments and their eventual outcomes are equally influenced by the existing land and water governance systems in the host countries.

Shared real estate situation in Riga

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2017

The topic about shared real estate and ownership of landed property has become important only in the latest years. In connection with the rise of estate tax, the land’s cadastre value and the lease of land, the contradictions have also become more aggravated in shared real estate’s situations, which had occurred at some point when land reforms and privatization took place.

The state-owned company: “State failure” or “market failure”?

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015

This article will analyze the activity of state-owned companies and their place in the structure of market relations from the standpoint of contemporary approaches to the study of “state failure” and “market failure”. It will also consider the implications of the systematic embedding of private property rights. In addition to considering the costs of the functions of state-owned companies, the authors address the actual experience of the Russian economy in the present day, the experience of forming state corporations and the risks associated with their operation.

Drones and Property Rights

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018

An Introduction to Drones

Land surveying and mapping are evolving rapidly due to advances in unmanned aerial system, or drone, technology. A drone is a flying machine—either fixed-wing or rotary—that is remotely controlled or flies autonomously through software-controlled flight plans. Because they are unmanned, drones are cheaper and smaller than manned aircraft, and can perform tasks too expensive or dangerous with a pilot on board.

Dual-Band GNSS and Property Rights

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018

An Introduction to Dual-Band GNSS

The vast majority of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)-enabled consumer devices—like phones, tablets, smart watches, and car navigation systems—use single-frequency receivers, which are only accurate to about five meters, in good conditions.12 By contrast, dual-band satellite receivers use two different frequencies of signals to calculate positions.

Machine Learning and Property Rights

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018

An Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables systems to programmatically “learn” and improve from past experience. Computers use algorithms and statistical models to “learn” patterns and insights from sample sets of data (often called “training data sets”), and apply those insights to make intelligent predictions and decisions about much larger sets of data.

Self-Sovereign Identity and Property Rights

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018

An Introduction to Self-Sovereign Identity

Self-sovereign identity (SSI) is a new paradigm for creating digital identity systems that function more like identity does in the physical world, where every person has a unique and persistent identity which is represented to others by means of a collection of credentials. SSI allows people to collect digital “credentials”—pieces of evidence about their identity—attested to by various external sources of authority.

3D Cadastre and Property Rights

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018

An Introduction to 3D Cadastre

Over the last half century the world has seen rapid urbanization, which is anticipated to increase over the foreseeable future. According to the United Nations Population Division, only 30 percent of the world’s population lived in urban areas in 1950. As of 2018, that has increased to 55 percent with urbanization rates rising faster in some less developed regions.25 With the rise of urbanization, more people are living in multi-story buildings with shared services and facilities.