Report on a mission to an ADB/USAID workshop on agricultural transformation in Africa, Abidjan, Cote d'ivoire, September 26 - 30, 1995
The goal of the workshop was to identify strategic investments and policy actions that African Governments, firms, and organizations can undertake, with the support of their development partners, to foster agricultural and economic transformation in Africa. The workshop focused on forces that will influence the evolution of African economies well into the 21st Century. The emphasis was not simply on the impact of structural adjustment programmes but rather on the broader process of economic adjustment that would lead to more productive economic systems.
Comité I compte rendu analytique provisoire de la seizième séance : tenue à la maison de l'Afrique, à Addis-Abeba, le mardi 25 février 1964, à 15 heures
Dans le document E/C.14/278, la Commission économique pour l'Afrique
fait utilement le point de la situation. La Commission économique pour l'Afrique pourrait utilement faire une étude comparée des expériences originales faites en Afrique.
Ministers to discuss land governance issues during African development week
Report of the ad hoc expert group meeting on land tenure systems and sustainable development in southern Africa
In recognition of the problem of land tenure security and its effect on sustainable development, a study on Land tenure systems and sustainable development in Southern Africa was included in the ECA-SA work program. A draft publication on the findings of the study has been prepared. The publication addresses two core land tenure topics: (1) Land tenure security, and (2) Land rights of women and other groups.
Liste des stations de recherche agricole dans quatorze pays de l'Afrique de l'est et du centre
Cette station qui depend du Ministere du développement et du tourisme
est dirigée par l'ingenieur assiste d'un technlcien.
Good land governance: critical for peaceful and sustainable development
A brief on wheat and agricultural research in fourteen countries of the East and Central African sub- regions
Research in the various agricultural experiment stations in Ethiopia has convincingly shown that the wheat variety is in many respects inferior to imported varieties (lower yield, weaker stems, more susceptible to rust, short stalks, small heads etc.) and required to be replaced for upgraded.
Report on Regional Expert Consultation on the impact of technology on rural development Africa, ECA : Addis Ababa, 4 to 8 August 1986
The basic cause of needless poverty and hunger in the rural Africa to-day is the stagnation of its main economic base - agriculture. It has settled down to a low level of equilibrium of income, saving and investment over time. Hence, most of the rural people of the region is caught in a vicious circle of a poverty trap. They are below the "absolute poverty line". The country studies show all of them are food-deficit.
Projet d’éléments pour un plan stratégique quinquennal et une feuille de route de l’initiative sur les politiques foncières (2012‐2016)
L'Initiative sur les politiques foncières vise principalement à « aider les États membres dans la mise en oeuvre de la Déclaration de l’Union africaine sur les problèmes et enjeux fonciers en Afrique, conformément aux Cadre et directives pour les politiques foncières en Afrique, afin de réaliser le développement socioéconomique, la paix, la sécurité et le respect de l’environnement ».