Implementation of the World Soil Day and its celebration in 2014 and 2015
Meeting symbol/code: GSPPA: II/2014/7
Session: Sess.2
Meeting symbol/code: GSPPA: II/2014/7
Session: Sess.2
This booklet presents the key messages of FAO on climate change and food security. It includes a synthesis of the most recent support provided by FAO to countries to face the impacts of climate change. It also brings together the most relevant knowledge on climate change including tools and methodologies FAO can offer to countries to report on their greenhouse gas emissions coming from the agriculture, livestock and forestry sectors.
This paper examines some of the key technical, institutional, policy and financial responses required to achieve climate-smart agriculture which sustainably increases productivity, resilience (adaptation), reduces/removes Greenhouse Gases (mitigation), and enhances achievement of national food security and development goals. Building on case studies from the field, the paper outlines a range of practices, approaches and tools aimed at increasing the resilience and productivity of agricultural production systems, while also reducing and removing emissions.
The Russian Federation and FAO are engaged in cooperation supporting a wide array of development initiatives in the region and around the world. In addition, FAO provides support within the Russian Federation. What was already a strong partnership took a further step forward in 2015 with the opening of an FAO Liaison Office in Moscow.
Ce document est un rapport de capitalisation des acquis du Projet pilote d’économie et de valorisation de l’eau d’irrigation dans le périmètre des Doukkala (GCP/MOR/033/SPA) qui s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une convention de partenariat entre le Ministère de l’agriculture et de la pêche maritime du Maroc, la FAO et le Ministère de l’environnement et du milieu rural et marin espagnol (MARM).
Cooperation between the Republic of Djibouti and FAO has steadily increased since the representation was opened in 2008. Assistance has covered a range of areas concerning agricultural, livestock and fisheries production. Over the past decade, the country has been affected by a series of major droughts which have severely affected livelihoods, particularly in rural communities. FAO continues to strengthen its collaboration with Djibouti, emphasizing resilience and sustainable development initiatives, including projects targeting agro-pastoralists.
In the June issue of the Natural Resources and Environment newsletter, we examine the importance of the newly established Global Soil Partnership. Soil specialists, international organization staff, the donor community and academics discuss what such collaboration can achieve. We note the events of World Water Day, highlighting water and food security. Moreover, a new web site, Sustainability Pathways, focuses on greening the economy with agriculture and related ecosystem services.
Meeting Name: FAO Council
Meeting symbol/code: CL 146/7 A
Session: Sess. 146
La FAO a organisé et intégré ses activités dans la région autour de trois Initiatives régionales. Ces Initiatives répondent aux priorités des États membres et permettra d’avoir des résultats tangibles dans des délais bien précis, tout en répondant aux Objectifs stratégiques de la FAO. En Afrique, les Initiatives régionales ont été élaborées sur la base d’un examen intersectorielle et interdisciplinaire approfondi des questions régionales.
Este documento examina algunas de las respuestas técnicas, institucionales, políticas y financieras clave y necesarias para lograr una agricultura climáticamente inteligente que incrementa de manera sostenible la productividad, la resilencia (adaptación), reduce/elimina GEI (mitigación) y fortalece los logros de metas nacionales de desarrollo y de seguridad alimentaria.