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Issues natural disasters related News
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23 November 2021
In Bangladesh, one in every seven people will be displaced due to climate change by the end of 2050, according to recent estimation. Sea level rise may cause the displacement of up to 18 million people of Bangladesh. Natural disasters are another reason for displacement where 700,000 people on
9 September 2021
Nairobi. President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta yesterday declared the drought ravaging parts of the country a national disaster. The declaration comes just a month after the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) said an estimated 2.1 million Kenyans face acute food shortage and would be in
11 June 2021
As drought and climate change make fires worse, officials are returning to Native nations’ time-tested techniques. Returning the land would be better.
30 May 2021
Dar es Salaam. When Jumanne Abdul, 45, built his house 18 years ago, Msimbazi River was almost 60 metres away from his plot. By then, he couldn’t have imagined that the river bank would have eroded the huge chunk of land to just a few metres from his house today. Now, he is forced to relocate
25 May 2021
A cyclone, known as Jobo, made landfall near Dar es Salaam in late April. By this point it had weakened to a tropical depression and impacts were, thankfully, minimal. Land-falling tropical cyclones are rare in Tanzania so past events are outside the memory of most. It had even been suggested that
29 December 2020
Civil society organisations (CSOs) working on the environment and human rights have expressed concern about filling parts of Boeung Tamok Lake to create new parcels of land on the outskirts of Phnom Penh. Located in Prek Pnov district’s Kouk Roka commune, Boeung Tamok, also known as Kob Srov Lake,
22 October 2020
Maseru, Lesotho, 23 October 2020 – The African Risk Capacity (ARC) Group and the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to address persistent climate risks and scale up national disaster risk management and financing efforts.
18 October 2020
Mondulkiri provincial authorities are working to identify suspects who cut down tens of thousands of trees and buried them in a 60ha patch of forestland in order to take over the land. The search came after a joint force confiscated three machines in Pu Leh village, in O’Raing district’s Dak Dam
6 October 2020
COVID-19 has exacerbated an already deeply alarming regulatory vacuum, which is being exploited by unscrupulous governments and private sector operators to ramp up the destruction of vital indigenous forestlands – this threatens efforts to rebalance humanity’s relationship to nature with
6 October 2020
COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted Indigenous Peoples around the world, cutting a swathe through communities with limited health facilities, disrupting already fragile economies and shining a harsh spotlight on the increased vulnerabilities created by insecure tenure in a time of global
17 July 2020
A review by an anti-fraud taskforce has revealed massive corruption in the DRC involving employees of the UN and international NGOs. Lack of oversight on how aid to the DRC’s vulnerable populations is dispersed has allowed bribery to flourish in one of the world’s most mineral-rich and conflict-
29 April 2020
Human rights groups want a moratorium on demolitions and forced evictions of informal settlements under COVID-19 NAIROBI/ADDIS ABABA, April 29 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Scores of Ethiopian families are at risk of contracting the new coronavirus after authorities demolished their makeshift

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