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Issuesfarming systemsLandLibrary Resource
There are 2, 545 content items of different types and languages related to farming systems on the Land Portal.
Displaying 721 - 732 of 2278


Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2016

The food crises of 2007-2008, the cause of the “hunger riots” in several so-called developing countries, did not reveal a food shortage but problems accessing the food. These problems were the result of the development of an agricultural model, capitalist operation with workers, that does not meet the food-related needs of individuals with no or little money. The growth of this model is hindering the achievement of food sovereignty and security1.


Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2016

Les crises alimentaires de 2007-2008, causes d’ « émeutes de la faim » dans plusieurs pays dits en voie de développement, ont été révélatrices, non d’une pénurie alimentaire, mais de problèmes d’accès à la nourriture. Elles ont été la conséquence du développement d’un modèle agricole, l’exploitation capitaliste à salariés, qui ne répond pas aux besoins alimentaires des personnes non ou trop peu dotées en argent. L’expansion de ce modèle fait obstacle à la réalisation de la sécurité et de la souveraineté alimentaires1.

Partial Land Rights and Agricultural Outcomes: Evidence from Thailand

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015

To disentangle the issue concerning which dimensions of land rights, among security, tradability and pledgeability, affect agricultural outcomes, this paper exploits a unique partial land rights entitlement programme in Thailand, which guarantees only security, allows a limited access to credit, and prohibits any land sale. Based on an instrumental variable strategy, I find that the entitlement increases (1) second rice but not major rice productivity, (2) land use intensity, and leads to changes in (3) land use pattern, (4) land-related investment, and (5) better soil quality.

The context of REDD+ in Vietnam: Drivers, agents and institutions

Reports & Research
December, 2012

PUBLISHER'S ABSTRACT: This report discusses the political, economic and social opportunities and constraints that will influence the design and implementation of REDD+ in Vietnam. In particular, four major direct drivers (land conversion for agriculture; infrastructure development; logging (illegal and legal); forest fire) and three indirect drivers (pressure of population growth and migration; the state's weak forest management capacity; the limited funding available for forest protection) of deforestation and degradation in Vietnam are discussed, along with their implications for REDD+.

Shifting Cultivation in Thailand: Its Current Situation and Dynamics in the Context of Highland Development

Reports & Research
December, 1994

ABSTRACTED FROM IIED WEBSITE INTRODUCTION: One of the outputs of a research project considering shifting cultivation in Thailand, Lao PDR and Vietnam. It considers the dynamics of shifting cultivation and alternative land use systems in the context of highland development in Thailand, gathered in order to provide up-to-date information to policymakers. The study includes examination of national policies relating to highland areas and the impacts of such policies on local communities and land use patterns.

Simple technology, big impact

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2015
Central America

More than 30 years ago, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) started a post-harvest programme in Central America named “Postcosecha”. The significant impact that was still evident long after the project end also continues to exist after the cessation of external support. The current priority in SDC’s contribution to post-harvest management (PHM) is to use existing knowledge and experience to create conditions for scaling up the most appropriate PHM technologies in sub-Saharan Africa.

No food security without land tenure security?

Journal Articles & Books
August, 2016

Secure tenure of farming and forest land is increasingly recognised as an important factor of household food security and nutritional status. This is borne out by a study by the Laotian Land Issues Working Group. It demonstrates mutual impacts, how government land-related policies affect the factors involved, and who the winners and losers are.

Organic equals conventional

Journal Articles & Books
August, 2016

In a long-term project in Kenya, the Swiss-based Research Institute of Organic Agriculture has examined the potential of organic and conventional agriculture regarding soil fertility, the occurrence of pests and diseases, and profitability. Initial results make a strong case to implement policy measures necessary for supporting the adoption of organic management practices on a large scale.