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There are 1, 090 content items of different types and languages related to mining on the Land Portal.
Displaying 133 - 144 of 563

Addressing Land Governance in International Responsible Business Conduct Agreements

Manuals & Guidelines
Reports & Research
January, 2018

The study was commissioned to the KIT Royal Tropical Institute in July 2017 by the Land Dialogue, with financial support from the Dutch Government. The objective is to provide insight and guidance into the relevance of land governance as a possible priority theme t o be considered in the process of the International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC) Agreements.

International Gas Outlook and Implications for Developing Tanzania’s Gas Projects

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2017

This brief, reviews recent international gas developments, the outlook in this regard and implications for the development of proposed offshore gas projects in Tanzania. As the country aims to benefit from its gas discoveries by increasing its domestic gas use, it also outlines some of the trade-offs and considerations that need to be taken into account when negotiating the domestic gas allocation.

Operation Phakisa’s Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration: Department of Mineral Resources briefing

Legislation & Policies
August, 2015
South Africa

The Department of Mineral Resources is attempting to develop oil and gas drilling in South Africa through Operation Phakisa. The project is still in the early stages of research and exploration, but the Department aims to have 30 wells built in 10 years. DME estimates very roughly, that as many as 9 billion barrels of oil and 9 billion barrels of gas could be within South African borders, and many national and international companies have expressed interest in investing in South African drilling.

Application and Consultation process for mining rights: Department of Mineral Resources performance and challenges

Legislation & Policies
June, 2015
South Africa

The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) has nine regional offices and three satellite offices. It explained that there were business processes in place to guide the application and consultation process. It emphasised that the primary duty to consult rested with an applicant for a mining permit and a prospecting, exploration, production or mining right. Applications for rights and permits were lodged online using the South African Mineral Resources Administration System (SAMRAD).

Department of Rural Development and Land Reform response to South African Human Rights Commission recommendations, with Deputy Minister in attendance

Legislation & Policies
May, 2015
South Africa

The Deputy Minister tendered apologies on behalf of the Minister and the Director General for their absence due to other ministerial commitments.

The Commission on Restitution of Land Reform (Commission) briefed the Committee on responses to the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) findings on systematic challenges affecting land restitution in South Africa. The brief focussed on the background of the SAHRC investigative hearing, summary of the findings of the SAHRC, strategic plan of the commission, and response on each finding and recommendations of the SAHRC.

Deeds Registries Amendment Act, 2013

Legislation & Policies
December, 2013
South Africa

To amend the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, so as to provide discretion in respect of the rectification of errors in the name of a person or the description of property mentioned in deeds and other documents; to provide for the issuing of certificates of registered title taking the place of deeds that have become incomplete or unserviceable; to substitute an obsolete reference; to substitute an outdated heading; to delete reference to the repealed Agricultural Credit Act, 1966; to further regulate the updating of deeds in respect of the change of names of companies, close corporations and the

How a Proposed Strip Mine Brought Conflict to South Africa’s Wild Coast

Reports & Research
March, 2017
South Africa

Identified the sand dunes that extend along the coast of eastern Pondoland and up to two kilometers inland as among the world’s 10 richest reserves of ilmenite, the ore that contains the metal titanium. MRC’s South African subsidiary Transworld Energy and Minerals (TEM), with a local partner, the Xolobeni Empowerment Company (Xolco), has applied for mining rights. But, far from embracing this project as a potential economic boon, many of the residents of the five villages adjacent to the dunes reject it. They say their world would be destroyed by mining.

2017 Resource Governance Index

Policy Papers & Briefs
May, 2017

This report presents the key findings and core messages of the 2017 Resource Governance Index. The index measures the quality of resource governance in 81 countries that together produce 82 percent of the world’s oil, 78 percent of its gas and a significant proportion of minerals, including 72 percent of all copper. It is the product of 89 country assessments (eight countries were assessed in two sectors), compiled by 150 researchers, using almost 10,000 supporting documents to answer 149 questions.

Índice de la Gobernanza de los Recursos Naturales 2017

Policy Papers & Briefs
May, 2017

El Índice de la Gobernanza de los Recursos Naturales evalúa las políticas y las prácticas empleadas por las autoridades para gobernar sus industrias petrolera, gasífera y minera. El índice proporciona una calificación agregada para cada evaluación. En la mayoría de países, el índice evalúa ya sea el sector petróleo y gas, o el sector minero. En el caso de ocho países, el índice evalúa a ambos sectores. Lee mas en 

Indice de Gouvernance des Ressources Naturelles 2017

Policy Papers & Briefs
May, 2017

Le rapport présente les principaux résultats et messages clés de l’Indice de Gouvernance des Ressources Naturelles 2017. L’indice mesure la qualité de la gouvernance des ressources naturelles dans 81 pays, qui représentent 82% de la production mondiale de pétrole, 78% de la production mondiale de gaz et une part importante de la production de minéraux, dont 72% de la production mondiale de cuivre.

Индекс Управления Ресурсами 2017

Policy Papers & Briefs
May, 2017

Этот отчет представляет ключевые выводы и основные послания Индекса управления ресурсами 2017. Индекс оценивает качество управления ресурсами в 81 стране, которые совместно производят 82 процента мировой нефти, 78 процентов газа и значительную часть минеральных ресурсов, включая 72 процента всей меди. Это результат 89 страновых оценок (восемь стран были оценены по двум секторам), проведенных 150 исследователями, которые использовали почти 10000 подтверждающих документов для ответов на 149 вопросов.

مؤشر حوكمة الموارد لعام 2017

Policy Papers & Briefs
May, 2017

یعرض ھذا التقریر النتائج الرئیسیة والخلاصات الأساسیة لمؤشر حوكمة الموارد لعام 2017. ويقيس المؤشر حسن إدارة الموارد في 81 بلدا تنتج  82 في المائة من النفط في العالم، و 78 في المائة من الغاز، ونسبة كبيرة من المعادن، بما في ذلك 72 في المائة من جميع النحاس. وهو نتاج 89 تقييما قطريا (تم تقييم ثمانية بلدان في قطاعين)، جمع  النتائج 150 باحثا، باستخدام ما يقرب من 10،000 وثيقة داعمة للإجابة على 149 سؤالا.  ممكن الإطلاع على النتائج المفصلة على