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Unidades de Conservação mais desmatadas da Amazônia legal (2012-2015)

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2017

As Unidades de Conservação cobrem 22% da Amazônia Legal e são uma estratégia eficaz para conservar animais, plantas e serviços ambientais, conter o desmatamento e manter o equilíbrio climático do Planeta. Contudo, as taxas de desmatamento em UCs vêm aumentando – em 2015 já superava a de 2012 em 79% –, assim como sua participação no desmatamento total da Amazônia, que passou de 6% em 2008 para 12% em 2015.

Logging, Mining, And Agricultural Concessions Data Transparency: A Survey Of 14 Forested Countries

Reports & Research
February, 2017
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Papua New Guinea

Global demand for timber, agricultural commodities, and extractives is a significant driver of deforestation worldwide. Transparent land-concessions data for these large-scale commercial activities are essential to understand drivers of forest loss, monitor environmental impacts of ongoing activities, and ensure efficient and sustainable allocation of land.

Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority Act, 2013 (No. 13 of 2013).

Eastern Africa

This Act provides for the establishment of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority, the administration of matters of agriculture and the preservation, utilization and development of agricultural land and related matters."Agriculture" in this Act means cultivation of land and the use of land and water for any purpose of husbandry, aquaculture and food production and includes: (a) cultivation of crops and horticultural practice within the meaning of the Crops Act; (b) breeding of aquatic animals and plants in the Kenya fishery waters and sea ranching and fish farming in the sea as provi

Decision No. 86/2009/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Dak Lak province up to 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Dak Lak province.The master plan aims at bringing into play the province’s potential and advantages, especially human, capital, land, forest and hydraulic resources and minerals, for accelerating economic and labour restructuring.The main objectives of the plan include: development of agriculture, forestry and fishery; protection, development and rational exploitation of forest resources; sustainable protection and development of the environment and of natural resources; development of water supply, drainage and irr

Loi n°1-16 du 25 Mai 2015 portant modalités de transfert de compétences de l’Etat aux communes.

Eastern Africa

La présente loi définit la nature des compétences propres à la commune (collectivité territoriale décentralisée) et celles transférées à elle par l'Etat.Ces compétences portent sur à l'administration et à l'aménagement du territoire; le foncier, au développement économique, éducatif, social, sanitaire ainsi qu'à la protection et à la mise en valeur de l'environnement et de l’assainissement; la lutte contre la pollution; la protection des ressources naturelles notamment des forêts, des sols, de la faune, de la flore, des ressources hydrauliques, des nappes phréatiques et contribue à leur mei

Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002 (S.R. No. 249 of 2002).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations correct two errors in the principal Regulations. They remove an erroneous reference in regulation 3 of the principal Regulations and they correct the provision relating to fines in regulation 21(2) of those Regulations in accordance with the terminology used for offences which are summary only.

Amends: Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 (S.R. No. 84 of 2000). (2000-03-14)

Décret n° 2008-1180 du 14 novembre 2008 portant actualisation et adaptation du droit domanial, du droit foncier et du droit forestier applicables en Guyane.

French Guiana
South America

En Guyane, la commission régionale de la forêt et des produits forestiers comprend, outre les membres prévus à l'article R. 4-2, des représentants des autorités coutumières des communautés d'habitants mentionnées à l'article L. 172-4 désignés par le préfet ainsi qu'un représentant de l'établissement public gérant le Parc amazonien de Guyane.

Loi n°2004-001 du 1er juin 2004 relative aux Régions.

Eastern Africa

La présente loi détermine les principes généraux relatifs aux Régions.Elle détermine, entre autres les domaines de compétence de la région, notamment l'établissement de schéma régional d'aménagement du territoire (eau et assainissement); l'établissement d'un programme-cadre et/ou plan régional de développement; le cadrage et à la programmation des actions de développement d'envergure régionale en matière d’aménagement hydro agricole, la pêche, l’élevage, la gestion des environnements; la mise en œuvre, à son échelon, d'actions et mesures appropriées en matière de gestion des risques et des

Land Code of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Central Asia

The Land Code makes provision for the regulation of "land relations" and its purpose is to secure rational use and protection of land, the protection of the environment, and "the equal development of all forms of economic activity in Tajikistan" (Preamble). Other laws regulating land relations may be enacted on the basis of this Code.Land is declared to be in exclusive ownership if the State in article 2.

Decision No. 54/2009/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province up to 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Binh Dinh province.The main objectives of the plan include: development of agriculture, forestry and fishery toward commodity and export production; increase in productivity and quality of agricultural products; sustainable protection and development of the environment and of natural resources; control of environmental pollution; development of water supply, drainage and irrigation systems; and land use and urban planning.