Report of the Forest Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment Working Group
Meeting Name: North American Forest Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO:NAFC/2016/3.6
Session: Sess. 28
Meeting Name: North American Forest Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO:NAFC/2016/3.6
Session: Sess. 28
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
Meeting Name: European Forestry Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO:EFC/2015/9/Rev.1 - ECE/TIM/2015/9/ Rev.1
Session: Sess.38 - Sess.73
To address the needs of individual regions, such as LAC, more detailed regional and sub regional strategies are needed to ensure that forestry contributes fully to the challenges of poverty, inequity, environmental degradation and sustainable development. This report presents such a strategy for four Andean Countries of South America, that is, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Venezuela could not be included because of time constraints, and the difficulties of obtaining a suitable consultant to carry out the field work.
An analysis of the present state of forest plantations and of current trends in plantation forestry both on a global basis and region-by-region. Economic and policy considerations in the development of plantation forestry are discussed. The outlook for plantation forestry is then presented in the form of alternative scenarios according to future growth in plantation area.
FAO Forestry staff were interviewed recently about the Forestry Technical Network.
La publication de ce numéro d’Unasylva coïncide avec deux événements marquants pour les forêts. Les 196 Parties à la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques viennent de se réunir à la Conférence Paris climat 2015 en vue de négocier un accord qui soit en mesure de changer la donne en matière de changement climatique. Toujours à Paris, le Global Landscapes Forum 2015, Forum mondial sur les paysages, a été le théâtre de discussions de haut niveau portant sur la recherche et les politiques qui sous-tendent les questions d’utilisation des terres.
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
Meeting Name: North American Forest Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO:NAFC/2016/3.4
Session: Sess. 28
This document builds on the brief paper presented at the 7th Meeting of the UN-REDD Programme Policy Board, held in Berlin, October 2011 (UNREDD/PB7/2011/13), which lays out ways to consider the REDD+ monitoring and information provision needs in the broader context of national development and environmental strategies, at the implementation level.
Meeting Name: European Forestry Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO:EFC/2015/13 - ECE/TIM/2015/13
Session: Sess.38 - Sess.73
Meeting Name: European Forestry Commission
Meeting symbol/code: ECE/TIM/2015/2 - FO/EFC/15/2
Session: Sess. 38 - Sess.73