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Resolución Nº 1.128 - Modifica la Resolución Nº 839 de 2003 y la Resolución Nº 157 de 2004.

South America

La presente Resolución modifica parcialmente las Resoluciones Nº 839 y 157, en relación a la aprobación de los planes de manejo ambientales de ambos ecosistemas.

Enmienda: Resolución Nº 839 - Estudios sobre el estado actual y plan de manejo ambiental de los páramos. (2003-08-01)
Enmienda: Resolución Nº 157 - Reglamenta el uso sostenible, conservación y manejo de los humedales. (2004-02-12)

Law No. 8047 on the administration of refused agricultural lands.

Southern Europe

This Law defines the legal regime of refused agricultural lands (lands which are not accepted into use or ownership by farmers). Refused lands are considered as State agricultural lands. They are transferred to the administration of the General Directorate of Forests and Pastures. The latter, through its regional directorates and in collaboration with the land distribution commissions, determines the areas of refused lands based on the data given by the municipalities and communes and certified by the immovable property offices.

Décret n° 2006-1227 relatif aux cessions à titre gratuit de terres domaniales à usage agricole en Guyane.

French Guiana
South America

Les cessions gratuites de terres à usage agricole prévues au premier alinéa de l'article L. 5141-4 du code général de la propriété des personnes publiques peuvent être consenties aux agriculteurs et aux personnes morales mentionnés aux premier et deuxième alinéas du même article qui exploitent sans titre régulier des terres domaniales, s'ils en font la demande avant le 31 décembre 2006.

Real Property Act (C.C.S.M. c. R30).

Northern America

A basic Act concerning real property in the province of Manitoba. In particular, its objects are to simplify the title to land, to give certainty thereto, to facilitate the proof thereof, and to expedite dealings therewith; and the Act shall be construed in a manner to best give effect to those objects.

Decreto Nº 12/89 - Ley de protección a la empresa platanera.

Central America

La presente Ley tiene como objetivos la protección, el desarrollo y el fortalecimiento de la actividad platanera. Para ello, introduce normas tendientes a garantizar la seguridad en la tenencia de la tierra. En particular, declara inafectables e inexpropiables las tierras nacionales, ejidales o de propiedad privada dedicadas al cultivo del plátano. Asimismo, establece disposiciones para la adjudicación en dominio pleno de predios cultivados con plátano.

Land Adjudication Act (Act No. 16 of 1975).

Antigua and Barbuda

This Act sets out the procedures, principles and criteria for the adjudication of land in an area declared to be an adjudication area by Order of the Minister made under this Act. The Act also declares all waste and unoccupied land to be Crown land.The Minister shall appoint an Adjudication Officer who shall be in charge of the adjudication of land in the area. Every person claiming an interest in land in the adjudication area shall observe the procedures and criteria as laid down in this Act.

Non-citizens Undeveloped Land Tax Act (No. 14 of 1978).

Antigua and Barbuda

This Act formulates a duty of non-citizens to develop land held in ownership, grants powers to the Minister to declare land held by non-citizens to be underdeveloped land and imposes an annual tax on the value of such underdeveloped land.In determining whether a non-citizen is fulfilling his or her responsibility under the Act to develop agricultural land, regard shall be had to the extent to which and the manner in which: (i) pasture is being maintained; (ii) arable land is being cropped; and (iii) the land is stocked where it is being used for livestock farming.

Curatelle Act.

Eastern Africa

This Act defines powers and duties of Curator of Vacant Estates in respect of vacant estates and provides for the administration of such estates by the Curator.The Officer of the Curator of Vacant Estates is created under this Act and the Curator shall be appointed by the President. “Vacant Estates” shall comprise vacant successions and unclaimed property. The Curator shall act on the authority of a Vesting Order to be issued by a judge after procedures as prescribed by this Act have been completed.

Ordonnance n° 74-021 portant refonte de l’ordonnance n° 62- 110 du 1er octobre 1962 sanctionnant l’abus de droit de propriété et prononçant le transfert à l’Etat des propriétés non exploitées.

Eastern Africa

Cette ordonnance porte refonte de l’ordonnance n° 62- 110 du 1er octobre 1962 sanctionnant l’abus de droit de propriété et prononçant le transfert à l’Etat des propriétés non exploitées. Tout propriétaire est tenu de mettre en exploitation, d’entretenir et d’utiliser les terres qu’il possède.

Regla Nº 2/07 - Regla para la enajenación de superficies desocupadas.

Central America

La presente Regla fue adoptada por la Comisión para la Regularización de la Tenencia de la Tierra (Corett) con el objeto de establecer los procedimientos a seguir para la enajenación de las superficies del Fondo de Tierra de la Corett, es decir aquellas tierras que han sido clasificadas como desocupadas y sin reclamante que pretenda tener derechos sobre las mismas.

Implementa: Regla Nº 1/07 – Regla para la regularización de la tenencia de la tierra. (2007-06-08)

Common Agricultural Policy Single Payment Scheme (Set-aside) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 (W.S.I. No. 3101 (W. 285) of 2006).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations amend the Common Agricultural Policy Single Payment Scheme (Set-aside) (Wales) Regulations 2005 in relation to the good agricultural and environmental conditions that apply to land set aside under the Single Payment Scheme for farmers enacted by force of Community legislation. The conditions and exemptions concern green cover, the setting aside of land for the control of weeds, use of pesticides and grazing.