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Issues Forest Tenure related News
Displaying 85 - 96 of 277
26 May 2020
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Veng Sakhon has urged companies that were granted economic land concessions by the government in Koh Kong province to collaborate fully with local authorities in protecting forest land.
22 May 2020
On May 22, the Georgian Parliament endorsed the amendments to the Forest Code of Georgia with its third reading with 79 votes in favor and none against – amid strong criticism voiced by the civil society organizations.  
29 April 2020
Minister of Environment Say Sam Al has urged relevant stakeholders to take part in protecting and conserving natural resources in wildlife sanctuaries. This, he said, will facilitate carbon credit sales to raise money to support local communities. Sam Al made his suggestion when he led experts and
19 April 2020
TAK: Three large tracts of woodland -- about 45 rai altogether -- were found to have been encroached on inside the Mae Sot National Forest Reserve in Phop Phra district, according to a local media report. The encroachment was reported to the 6th Forest Protection Unit in Mae Sot district by local
19 April 2020
The Ministries of Environment, and Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction have listed the Peam Krasop Wildlife Sanctuary in Koh Kong province and Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri province as state land to eliminate land grabbing offences. The operations have gained support
10 April 2020
Destruction in Brazil’s portion of the Amazon rose 30% in March, compared to the same month a year ago, according to the country’s space research agency, INPE. In the first three months of the year, Amazon deforestation was up 51% from a year ago to 796 square kilometers (307 square miles), an area
4 April 2020
As indigenous groups lock down in villages, trespassers are taking advantage of their absence to steal their land By Richard Pearshouse, Amnesty International’s head of crisis and the environment, and Jurema Werneck, executive director of Amnesty International Brazil
1 April 2020
The campaign against Cameroon’s agribusiness titans was reenergised in March after women living near several controversial plantations denounced the loss of community lands and rights, and the destruction of native forests. LandCam, an EU-funded project run by several NGOs working to improve land
24 February 2020
Top international soy traders and their practices play a major role in expanding deforestation for agribusinesses in Brazil’s Cerrado, a vast savannah region in the center of the country, according to Greenpeace’s “Under Fire” report. In 2017, the region provided 40 percent of Brazil’s total soy
18 February 2020
VICTORIA (NEWS 1130) — Forestry workers and Indigenous rights demonstrators are heading to the B.C. legislature to send the province a message as the annual budget is set to be revealed. While the provincial budget isn’t expected to offer any surprises or big announcements, both groups gearing up
22 January 2020
More than 2,000 communal landholdings known as ejidos, and communities, have organized themselves to carry out sustainable management of forests in their territory. In states such as Oaxaca, Michoacán, Durango, Chihuahua and Quintana Roo there are examples of communities that have managed to
15 January 2020
Rights recognition crucial to fend off global warming and catastrophic climate change Indigenous Peoples have had a track record of managing landscapes sustainably for millennia. However, incursions into their territories, often by settlers involved in natural resource extraction or agriculture

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