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There are 285 content items of different types and languages related to land area on the Land Portal.
Displaying 97 - 108 of 184

Participation in Sustainable Forest Management : Linking Forests and People in Kenya

August, 2014

This forest policy note was prepared to
provide input to the ongoing forest sector reform in Kenya
on participation in sustainable forest management. It offers
recommendations on possible priority forest policy actions
within the forthcoming Natural Resource Management (NRM)
Project. The latter focuses enhancing the capacity of
Kenyans to manage the natural resource base and resources
available to poor and vulnerable communities. By outlining

Timor Leste - Issues and Options in the Household Energy Sector : A Scoping Study

June, 2012

The important role of biomass fuels
today. Timor Leste is a relatively small country located in
the eastern part of Timor Island with an area of about 1.5
million ha and an estimated 2007 population of 1.0 million.
At about US$550 GDP per capita, it is one of the least
developed countries in the world, with an estimated 40
percent of the population in poverty. However, the
development of offshore oil and gas resources in partnership

Making a Visible Difference in Our Wrld

August, 2013

Like the 2003 Fifth World Parks Congress
in Durban, South Africa, this publication is structured
around themes and issues on the cutting edge of research,
policy, and practice in the field of protected areas. It
highlights contributions by the Global Environment Facility
(GEF) and presents its perspectives for the future. This
publication comprises of the following topics : Tribute to
Africa; A Historic Role for Protected Areas; Protected Areas

Good Dams and Bad Dams : Environmental Criteria for Site Selection of Hydroelectric Projects

September, 2014

This paper provides a simple, yet
robust, methodology for comparing proposed hydroelectric
project sites in terms of their expected negative
environmental impacts, and relating these to power
generation benefits. The paper also summarizes the
environmental mitigation options for large dams. If properly
implemented, these mitigation measures can effectively
prevent, minimize, or compensate for many (though not all)

Drought : Management and Mitigation Assessment for Central Asia and the Caucasus

June, 2012
Central Asia

The objective of this study is to raise awareness and understanding of exposure and vulnerability to drought in Central Asian countries and the Caucasus and to introduce a strategic, pro-active framework of mitigation and prevention. The audiences of the report are the governments of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia in the Caucasus and Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic in Central Asia. The report will further be of interest to NGOs and civil society, as well as donors.

Nature Tourism, Conservation, and Development in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

August, 2013
South Africa

The book provides an evaluation of, and
policy advice on key environmental, social, and economic
issues concerning the development of nature tourism. Using
KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa as a case study, it highlights
both the benefits, and trade-offs I promoting, an managing
sustainable nature-tourism development, and it assesses how
policy can enhance nature tourism's contribution to
economic growth, poverty reduction, and conservation. The

Managing the Marine and Coastal Environment of Sub-Saharan Africa : Strategic Directions for Sustainable Development

June, 2013
Sub-Saharan Africa

The trends toward ecosystem degradation
and social change are affecting coastal areas around the
world, not least in Sub-Saharan Africa. The crisis affecting
this region's coastal and marine areas requires an
urgent and resolute response from the global community. This
report details the challenges facing coastal and marine
environments in Sub-Saharan Africa. It describes the World
Bank's strategy for supporting sustainable development

How the Location of Roads and Protected Areas Affects Deforestation in North Thailand

August, 2014

Using plot-level data, the authors
estimate a bi-variate probit model to explain land clearing,
and the siting of protected areas in North Thailand in 1986.
Their model suggests that protected areas (national parks,
together with wildlife sanctuaries) did not reduce the
likelihood of forest clearing, but wildlife sanctuaries may
have reduced the probability of deforestation. Road
building, by reducing the impedance-weighted distance to

India : Alleviating Poverty through Forest Development

Reports & Research
September, 2014

This case study, one of six evaluations
in a series of country case studies, aims to understand the
implementation of the 1991 Forest Strategy in World Bank
operations and to obtain the views of the various
stakeholders in the country about the involvement of the
Bank. Each country study examines the overall development of
the country's forest sector. This naturally includes
the environmental impacts on forests, such as degradation,

Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy for Ghana

August, 2012

Environmental degradation of coastal
areas was identified as a key issue in Ghana's
Environmental Action Plan. The central objective of the
World Bank-assisted Integrated Coastal Zone Management
(ICZM) initiative in Ghana, which commenced in 1995, was to
identify economically, socially and environmentally
appropriate interventions and projects in the coastal zone
that improve the prospects for human development. ICZM is