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Issuesland valuationLandLibrary Resource
There are 254 content items of different types and languages related to land valuation on the Land Portal.
Displaying 85 - 96 of 154

Compulsory Land Acquisition and Voluntary Land Conversion in Vietnam

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2011
Eastern Asia

This publication is the product of a multi-year cluster analytical and advisory work on social and land conflict management of the World Bank office in Hanoi, which aimed to assist Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) to improve the land acquisition and conversion process to achieve more sustainable development during the current rapid urbanization and industrialization process.

Study on Gender Impacts of Land Titling in Post-Tsunami Aceh, Indonesia

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
December, 2010
Eastern Asia

The tsunami that originated from the Indian Ocean in 2004 wreaked massive destruction, killing more than 130,000 people and displacing half a million individuals in Aceh, Indonesia. More than 800 kilometers of coastline was affected, and close to 53,795 land parcels were destroyed. The land administration system sustained significant damage because documentation of land ownership was washed away along with people's houses and other possessions in the affected communities. Physical boundary markers, including trees and fences, also disappeared.

Assessment of the value of woodland landscape function to local communities in Gorongosa and Muanza districts, Sofala province, Mozambique

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2003

This book is a report of a short-term research project. The project aimed to test an approach for estimating local values for landscape units and relate these to formal biodiversity conservation values in Gorongosa National Park (GNP), Sofala Province, Mozambique. First section describes the research site selection and gives short descriptions of the chosen sites: Muaredzi and Nhanchururu. Second section is about the community landscape valuations, includes also the methods and results concerning conceptual models, spatial data sets, and participatory community assessments.

Economics of animal genetic resources use and conservation

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015

Economic analysis can play an important role in the sustainable management of animal genetic resources (AnGR). The first report on The State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (first SoW-AnGR) (FAO, 2007a) included a section on methods for economic evaluation 1 that provided an overview of the various types of value that can be distinguished (direct and indirect use values, option values, bequest values and existence values) and described potential methods and tools for assessing them.

Forest ecosystem services: can they pay our way out of deforestation?

Reports & Research
December, 2002

This paper first provides a brief overview of what are and what represent forest ecosystem services. Then it considers the issues of price and valuation, and shows that valuation itself is not a solution but merely a tool. Considering then the reasons of the overall degradation of forest ecosystem services it shows that the main reasons tend to be fundamental: deforestation most often happens because it pays for local people - not so much because the institutionally created arrangements are perverse.

The value of tropical forest to local communities: complications, caveats, and cautions

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2002

The methods used to value tropical forests have the potential to influence how policy makers and others perceive forest landsforestlands. A small number of valuation studies achieve real impact. These are generally succinct accounts supporting a specific perception. However, such reports risk being used to justify inappropriate actions. The end users of such results are rarely those who produced them and misunderstanding of key details is a concern. One defence is to ensure that the ultimate users appreciate shortcomings and common pitfalls.


Reports & Research
August, 2006

Esta publicação apresenta os resultados da pesquisa Observatório do Uso do Solo e da Gestão Fundiária do Centro de São Paulo, realizada pelo Laboratório de Habitação e Assentamentos Humanos LABHAB da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, com o apoio do Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, entre os meses de setembro de 2005 e junho de 2006. O escopo desta pesquisa foi o levantamento e avaliação dos instrumentos urbanísticos e tributários instituídos ou implementados nos últimos 15 anos na área central de São Paulo.

PROJETO E GESTÃO NA METRÓPOLE CONTEMPORÂNEA – Um estudo sobre as potencialidades do instrumento operação urbana consorciada à luz da experiência paulistana

Manuals & Guidelines
August, 2010

Esta tese discute a operação urbana consorciada como instrumento de parceria entre o poder público e o setor privado para a promoção de projetos urbanos. O trabalho parte da hipótese de que a viabilização de intervenções urbanísticas por meio do instrumento estaria limitada   aplicação parcial da legislação e não   consecução de parcerias efetivas. Em 2001, a regulamentação nacional da operação urbana consorciada pelo Estatuto da Cidade trouxe inovações importantes no sentido de recuperar a essência do instrumento que aparentemente não foram assimiladas de forma equivalente.


January, 2018

Dispõe sobre a regularização fundiária rural e urbana, sobre a liquidação de créditos concedidos aos assentados da reforma agrária e sobre a regularização fundiária no ¢mbito da Amazônia Legal, instituí mecanismos para aprimorar a eficiência dos procedimentos de alienação de imóveis da União, e dá outras providências. O PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA, no uso da atribuição que lhe confere o art. 62 da Constituição, adota a seguinte Medida Provisória, com força de lei: Art.

Regularização Fundiária plena Referências conceituais

Reports & Research
October, 2007

Apresentação geral curso a dist¢ncia em regularização fundiária de assentamentos informais urbanos Raquel Rolnik O programa papel passado celso Cantos Carvalho Regularização de assentamentos informais: o grande desafio dos municípios, da sociedade e dos juristas brasileiros Edésio Fernandes Perspectivas para a renovação das políticas de legalização de favelas no brasil Edésio Fernandes O significado do estatuto da cidade para os processos de regularização fundiária no brasil Bet¢nia Alfonsin Regularização fundiária de terras da união Ellade Imparato e Nelson Saule Regularização fundiária