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Issues squatters related News
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By: Kieran Guilbert Date: November 1st 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation FREETOWN (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - When floods struck several slums across Sierra Leone's capital last year, 55-year-old Amienata Bangura was forced to flee as her small shop, stock and years of savings were wiped
By:  Zikri Kamarulzaman Date: May 5th 2016 Source: Malaysiakini S'WAK POLLS The Sarawak BN government today awarded individual land rights to 373 squatters in rural Miri, who will now be relocated to proper housing in the satellite town of Tudan. The recipients were from three squatter villages in
By: Beh Lih Yi Date: September 30th 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation JAKARTA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Slum dwellers in Indonesia have launched a landmark legal case to challenge a decades-old law which has been used to forcibly remove thousands of families, amid a wave of evictions
By: Hanna Hindstrom Date: September 2nd 2016 Source: the Diplomat Economic development must not come at the expense of those less fortunate.
By: Darshan Kunwar| Date: August 20th 2016 Source: The Times of India DEHRADUN: Three weeks after the state government issued an order granting ownership rights to 2,500 families living in 123 slums and low-lying localities, chief minister Harish Rawat on Saturday said that the process to
Date: October 24th 2016 Source: Jaimaica Observer KINGSTON, Jamaica — Opposition spokesperson on land, Senator Sophia Frazer Binns, says the contentious informal settlement at 85 Red Hills Road in St Andrew is another reason to place the issue of land tenure, ownership and rectification on the
By: Anastasia Moloney Date: September 27th 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation ALTOS DE FLORIDA, Colombia (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The ramshackle community of Altos de Florida and others slums dotted across the windswept hills on the outskirts of Bogota stretch to the horizon.
By: Anjaya Anparthi| Date: August 25th 2016 Source: Times of India

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