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Issues housing rights related News
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By: CONNOR MACDONALD & PHYO THIHA CHO / MYANMAR NOW| Date: February 20th 2016 Source: The Irrawaddy
By: Shubham Ghosh Date: April 25th 2016 Source: One India Kathmandu, April 25: A year has lapsed since a devastating earthquake left Nepal in the ruins but still several people, particularly the women, are yet to get funds to rebuild their lost property for they do not own land and neither can
By: Hanna Hindstrom Date: September 2nd 2016 Source: the Diplomat Economic development must not come at the expense of those less fortunate.
By: Cod Satrusayang Date: October 3rd 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of the Thai capital on Monday calling on the junta to address land rights and housing needs in what police and organizers said was one of the biggest demonstrations since the
By: Manish Kumar Date: February 16th 2016 Source: India Infoline News Service About 377 million people from India’s total population of 1.21 billion are urban dwellers. With more than 10 million people migrating to cities and towns every year, the total urban population is expected to reach about
By: Neil Hartnell Date: April 7th 2016 Source: Tribune 242 The Government has known for 15 years that land and construction costs would outpace salary/income levels, making home ownership increasingly unaffordable for a growing number of Bahamian households.
By: Severianus Endi Date: August 2nd 2016 Source: The Jakarta Post Hundreds of residents from several hamlets in West Kalimantan have fled their homes to avoid arrest over their alleged involvement in a conflict with an oil palm company operating plantations in the area.
By: Anastasia Moloney Date: September 27th 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation ALTOS DE FLORIDA, Colombia (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The ramshackle community of Altos de Florida and others slums dotted across the windswept hills on the outskirts of Bogota stretch to the horizon.
By: Kieran Guilbert Date: November 1st 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation FREETOWN (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - When floods struck several slums across Sierra Leone's capital last year, 55-year-old Amienata Bangura was forced to flee as her small shop, stock and years of savings were wiped
By Anastasia Moloney Date: Jan 13th, 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation BOGOTA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The 7.0-magnitude earthquake that hit Haiti on Jan. 12, 2010, killed more than 200,000 people, leveled much of the capital Port-au-Prince and left 1.5 million Haitians homeless.
By: Ming Tian Date: March 16th 2016 Source: CCTV How can China deal with this real estate glut - that 720 million square meters of unsold housing? Political advisors say urbanization may be the way.  Real estate developers are feeling the heat, especially in less developed areas of China. Large
By: Emma Rumney Date: April 25th 2016 Source: Public Finance International India’s government seems “reluctant” to solve its affordable urban housing crisis, with luxury real estate and development projects prioritised over the housing needs of poorer people, a United Nations expert has warned.

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