Webinar: 'Human rights in the forest: How REDD+ projects strengthen human rights in partnership with Indigenous Peoples and local communities'
Click here to register for this free Innovation Forum webinar on 18th October at 2-3pm BST: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/2916963327997/WN_cWO5l62tQQeIbuTWaktnxQ
Amazon 2030 – Sustainability Issues in the World´s Largest Rainforests Region
The symposium "Amazon 2030- Sustainability Issues in the World´s Largest Rainforests Region" is being organised by the Inter-University Sustainable Development Programme (IUSDRP), the International Climate Change Information and Research Programme (ICCIRP), Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) and the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), in collaboration with various organisations.
CFS Side Event: How the VGGT have changed rural women's lives: Key strategies and innovations towards gender equality
The purpose of the side event is to showcase key strategies and innovations that are contributing to gender equality in agriculture and land tenure in the context of the VGGT.
The role of indigenous communities in reducing climate change through sustainable land use practices
Advanced Webinar: Remote Sensing for Monitoring Land Degradation and Sustainable Cities SDGs
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by countries to preserve our oceans and forests, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth. The land management SDGs call for consistent tracking of land cover metrics. These metrics include productivity, land cover, soil carbon, urban expansion, and more.
Global Landscapes Forum Session: Open Space for Restoration, Rights and Geodata
This session will build on and contribute to the panel discussion “Challenges in implementing a rights-based approach for sustainable management and restoration of landscapes and forests”. It will include short face-to-face discussions with guest speakers from the panel discussion, engagi
Global Landscapes Forum Accra 2019 (GLF Accra)
GLF Accra 2019 is where you will want to be to meet the people making a difference through successful forest and landscape restoration work on the ground in Africa.