urban land related Unknown content type | Land Portal
There are 324 content items of different types and languages related to urban land on the Land Portal.

African Cities Journal aspires to gather existing and future knowledge in the field of urban spaces in Africa through original research articles, as well as more prospective endeavours of theory and methodology. 

Natures Sciences Sociétés est une revue de l'association NSS-Dialogues publiée avec le soutien de AgroParisTech, du Cirad, du CNRS (INEE et INSHS), de l'IRD et de l'INRAE.

La revue Natures Sciences Sociétés entend s’adresser à tous ceux qui s’interrogent sur les constructions des problèmes d’environnement et les politiques de recherche autour des changements globaux, de la biodiversité, de la sécurité alimentaire, des dynamiques territoriales et urbaines, des relations santé-environnement.

Ministry of Urban Development and Land

Reforming of the legal and organizational structures of government departments, for the purpose to develop relevant measures and to achieve a desirable situation is considered as one of the basic methods for reform of the administrative system, which provides ground for success in providing better services for the public of the country. With regard to such policies, ex Ministry of Urban Development and Housing - MUDH and ex Afghanistan Land Authority – ARAZI, has been merged on the bases of presidential decree no.

Environment and Urbanization (E&U) seeks to advance a more socially just and environmentally sustainable urban world through the provision of knowledge. Our focus is the global South, where an estimated one in three of the urban population live in informal settlements and where more than half work within the informal economy. UN projections suggest that almost all the world’s growth in population in the next few decades will be in urban centres in the Global South.
O Centro de Cultura Luiz Freire (CCLF) é uma organização não governamental de direitos humanos, que surge em 1972, a partir de um grupo que buscava a restauração da democracia, através de atividades culturais e projetos de desenvolvimento comunitário, durante o período autoritário da Ditadura Militar brasileira.
Journal of Architecture and Planning

The Architectural Institute of Japan’s Journal of Architecture and Planning aim to pursue theories for building and maintaining pieces of architecture as well as the cities or areas surrounding them, and to accumulate and systematize the knowledge needed to put those theories into practice.

URBAN DESIGN International
  • An international forum for discussion and debate over issues of urban design and management
  • Stands as a trustworthy source of information on issues of urban design and management, for researchers, urban designers, architects, planners, landscape architects, developers and others
  • Presents original articles, reviews, books and expert commentary
Centre for Liveable Cities Singapore

The Centre distills key learning points from Singapore’s urban development journey since its independence in 1965, while creating knowledge to address emerging urban challenges. It shares this knowledge with local and international urban leaders, with the aim of positioning Singapore as a global hub for urban solutions. The Centre’s work spans four main areas:


The Centre focuses on two key research questions: 

This platform is a framework for the meeting, networking, information, exchanging experiences, and developing the potential of young people for land governance that promotes development in Africa.

Journal of Regional and City Planning

Journal of Regional and City Planning or JRCP is a tri-annual open access journal mainly focusing on urban and regional studies and planning in transitional, developing and emerging economies. JRCP covers topics related to the sciences, analytics, development, intervention, and design of communities, cities, and regions including their physical, spatial, technological, economic, social and political environments.


African Cities Journal aspires to gather existing and future knowledge in the field of urban spaces in Africa through original research articles, as well as more prospective endeavours of theory and methodology. 

Centre for Liveable Cities Singapore

The Centre distills key learning points from Singapore’s urban development journey since its independence in 1965, while creating knowledge to address emerging urban challenges. It shares this knowledge with local and international urban leaders, with the aim of positioning Singapore as a global hub for urban solutions. The Centre’s work spans four main areas:


The Centre focuses on two key research questions: 

O Centro de Cultura Luiz Freire (CCLF) é uma organização não governamental de direitos humanos, que surge em 1972, a partir de um grupo que buscava a restauração da democracia, através de atividades culturais e projetos de desenvolvimento comunitário, durante o período autoritário da Ditadura Militar brasileira.
Environment and Urbanization (E&U) seeks to advance a more socially just and environmentally sustainable urban world through the provision of knowledge. Our focus is the global South, where an estimated one in three of the urban population live in informal settlements and where more than half work within the informal economy. UN projections suggest that almost all the world’s growth in population in the next few decades will be in urban centres in the Global South.
Journal of Architecture and Planning

The Architectural Institute of Japan’s Journal of Architecture and Planning aim to pursue theories for building and maintaining pieces of architecture as well as the cities or areas surrounding them, and to accumulate and systematize the knowledge needed to put those theories into practice.

Journal of Regional and City Planning

Journal of Regional and City Planning or JRCP is a tri-annual open access journal mainly focusing on urban and regional studies and planning in transitional, developing and emerging economies. JRCP covers topics related to the sciences, analytics, development, intervention, and design of communities, cities, and regions including their physical, spatial, technological, economic, social and political environments.

Ministry of Urban Development and Land

Reforming of the legal and organizational structures of government departments, for the purpose to develop relevant measures and to achieve a desirable situation is considered as one of the basic methods for reform of the administrative system, which provides ground for success in providing better services for the public of the country. With regard to such policies, ex Ministry of Urban Development and Housing - MUDH and ex Afghanistan Land Authority – ARAZI, has been merged on the bases of presidential decree no.

Natures Sciences Sociétés est une revue de l'association NSS-Dialogues publiée avec le soutien de AgroParisTech, du Cirad, du CNRS (INEE et INSHS), de l'IRD et de l'INRAE.

La revue Natures Sciences Sociétés entend s’adresser à tous ceux qui s’interrogent sur les constructions des problèmes d’environnement et les politiques de recherche autour des changements globaux, de la biodiversité, de la sécurité alimentaire, des dynamiques territoriales et urbaines, des relations santé-environnement.

URBAN DESIGN International
  • An international forum for discussion and debate over issues of urban design and management
  • Stands as a trustworthy source of information on issues of urban design and management, for researchers, urban designers, architects, planners, landscape architects, developers and others
  • Presents original articles, reviews, books and expert commentary

This platform is a framework for the meeting, networking, information, exchanging experiences, and developing the potential of young people for land governance that promotes development in Africa.

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