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Climate change, agriculture, food security, East Africa

January, 2014
Eastern Africa

In East Africa, agricultural systems are highly vulnerable to climate change and variability because of high dependence on rainfall. The increasing frequency and severity of drought, heat and cold stress as well as floods are likely to lead to major food crises in the region. Rapid population growth rates, poverty and inequality exacerbate problems caused by exposure to climatic change. The region, therefore, requires long-term actions to build the capacity of its people and institutions to better adapt to climate change and climate variability, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

René Dumont revisité et les politiques agricoles africaines

Journal Articles & Books
January, 2014
Western Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

En 1962, René Dumont publiait L’ Afrique noire est mal partie. Ce livre, qui concernait essentiellement l’Afrique de l’Ouest, fit scandale à l’époque car il intervenait au lendemain des indépendances des colonies européennes, à un moment où les jeunes États africains pouvaient espérer un développement prometteur.

West Bank and Gaza : Area C and the Future of the Palestinian Economy

January, 2014

The Palestinian economy has experienced
strong growth in recent years. This report examines the
economic benefits of lifting the restrictions on movement
and access, as well as other administrative obstacles, to
Palestinian investment and economic activity in a region
known as Area C. This region constitutes about 61 percent of
the West Bank territory and was defined under the Oslo Peace
Accords as the area that eventually would be transferred to

Opening Up the Markets for Seed Trade in Africa

January, 2014

Despite its vast agriculture potential,
Africa is increasingly dependent on food imports from the
rest of the world to satisfy its consumption needs. Food
output has not kept pace with population growth, and more
than 80 percent of production gains since 1980 have come
from the expansion of cropped areas rather than from greater
productivity of areas already cultivated. This paper looks
at the current requirements for seed trade in Africa, the

Ukraine : Opportunities and Challenges for Private Sector Development

January, 2014

Ukraine has untapped growth potential.
Ukraine has one of the most fertile agricultural lands in
the world, an attractive geographical location in Europe,
bordering the European Union, the largest market in the
world with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of more than $16
trillion, and a large domestic market of almost 50 million
consumers. This note argues that the stunted growth of the
private sector goes a long way in explaining Ukraine's

Ethiopia - Land for Sale (video)

Reports & Research
January, 2014
South-Eastern Asia

As the economy thrives, we examine the plight of Ethiopians forced from their land to make way for foreign investors...the growth seen in agriculture, which accounts for almost half of Ethiopia’s economic activity and a great deal of its recent success, is actually being driven by an out of control ‘land grab', as multinational companies and private speculators vie to lease millions of acres of the country’s most fertile territory from the government at bargain basement prices...

Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of : Analysis of the Agricultural Support Programs

January, 2014

The report is structured to allow
readers familiar with Macedonia s agriculture sector to
quickly grasp the essentials needed to improve the sector,
as well as to inform a general audience on how to address
the challenges of a modern European Union (EU)-aspiring
state. Chapter two provides an in-depth analysis of the
sectoral background, illustrating the main characteristics
and challenges of Macedonia s agriculture sector. The

Unlocking Africa's Agricultural Potential

January, 2014

Transforming agriculture in Africa is
not simply about helping Africa; it is essential for
ensuring global food security. But Africa s agriculture is
also of critical importance when it comes to meeting the
world s future needs for food and fiber. With the global
population expected to exceed 9 billion by 2050, food
security producing enough food of sufficient quality and
making it accessible and affordable for consumers around the

Deforestation Trends in the Congo Basin : Logging

January, 2014

The Congo Basin has the largest forest
cover on the African continent. Of the 400 million hectares
that the Basin comprises, about 200 million of them are
covered by forest, with 90 percent being tropical dense
forests. The Congo Basin's logging sector has a
dualistic configuration. It boasts a highly visible formal
sector that is export oriented and dominated by large
industrial groups with foreign capital and an informal

Migración internacional y mercado de tierras : un estudio en 4 ejidos de Valle de Santiago, Guanajuato, México.

Reports & Research
January, 2014
United States of America

En el presente trabajo se aborda el estudio de la relación que se establece entre los procesos migratorios internacionales con el mercado de tierras en 4 organizaciones ejidales de Valle de Santiago, Guanajuato. Se plantea a lo largo de esta investigación que existe una relación entre la migración hacia los Estados Unidos y el desarrollo histórico y social de las organizaciones ejidales, la renta y/o venta y la valoración de las tierras entre las generaciones de ejidatarios y sus familias.

Policy and Investment Priorities to Reduce Environmental Degradation of the Lake Nicaragua Watershed (Cocibolca) : Addressing Key Environmental Challenges

January, 2014

This study, policy and investment
priorities to reduce environmental degradation of the Lake
Nicaragua watershed, has assessed the sources and the
magnitude of the pressures that threaten Lake Cocibolca. It
was accomplished by applying a hydrological and land use
model to the lake's watershed and by conducting
additional estimates of nutrients generated from wastewater
sources and tilapia farming. The study has confirmed that

Strengthening Soil Databases for Climate Change and Food Security Modeling Applications

Reports & Research
January, 2014

Climate change is a hazard to the food security of a growing world population since it affects agriculture and likewise, agriculture and natural resource management affect the climate system. The relationships between all these factors including polices, political conditions, economical management and pest and diseases, and how they interact are not currently well-understood, nor are the advantages and disadvantages of different responses to climate change.