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Asia Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting For Rio+20: Women's Major Group Statement

Policy Papers & Briefs
January, 2011

[From AWID We, the Women’s Major Group representatives* at the Asia Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting for Rio+20 call on governments to reaffirm their commitments to Agenda 21 and the Beijing Platform for Action, and fulfill their obligations to the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 

Memorandum from the Rural Women's Assembly to the UNFCCC, the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Governments of Africa

Legislation & Policies
January, 2011
Southern Africa

We the Rural Women’s Assembly of Southern Africa, meeting in Durban on the event of the 17th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC in Durban from 30 November to 5 December 2011 demand that governments take the following immediate steps to address the clear and present danger posed to rural communities by the climate crisis.

Reducing the vulnerability of urban slum dwellers in the Southern African region to the impact of climate change and disasters

January, 2011
South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Current estimates of climate change state that the world’s average temperature is due to increase by at least 2oC to 2.4oC over the next 50?100 years. Furthermore it is expected that by the end of the century a range of additional impacts will be felt: sea levels will rise by an estimated 60cm, resulting in flooding and the salinisation of fresh water aquifers, and snow and ice cover will decrease. Simultaneously, precipitation patterns will change so that some areas will receive large increases whilst other areas will become hotter and drier.

How can African agriculture adapt to climate change: Assessing Household Vulnerability to Climate Change

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2010
Eastern Africa

Ethiopia remains one of the least-developed countries in the world: 50 percent of the population lives in abject poverty, and average life expectancy is only 43 years. Agriculture-the main sector of the Ethiopian economy-employs about 80 percent of the population and is dominated by small-scale, mixed crop and livestock production with very low productivity, which can be attributed to obsolete farming techniques; soil degradation caused by overgrazing and deforestation; poor complementary services, such as extension, credit, markets, and infrastructure; and frequent droughts and floods.

Impact of global change on large river basins

Reports & Research
December, 2010

The Yellow River basin (YRB) is the breadbasket of China and the “cradle of Chinese civilization.” The basin is characterized by severe water scarcity; the ratio of surface water withdrawal to water resources, at 64 percent in 2008, is among the highest in the world. Particular climatic conditions, the rapid socioeconomic development, and the absence of defined water rights have led to excessive water abstraction. During the last 50 years agricultural water use has increased by more than 250 percent, while water demand from industry and domestic use has grown even more steeply.

Adapting African agriculture to climate change

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

Climate change is one of the major threats to the development of rural Africa, and without wide-ranging adaptation strategies the challenge it presents cannot be met. Although appropriate measures have been identi? ed, international funding for adaptation has not materialised at the rate that was pledged. This is irresponsibly delaying the implementation of adaptation measures.

La gestion des risques grâce aux assurances agricoles

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

Les petits paysans dans les pays en développement ne peuvent pas, à eux seuls, absorber plus longtemps les conséquences massives du changement climatique au moyen de leurs stratégies traditionnelles de gestion des risques. Ils doivent bien plus se mettre en quête d'instruments de gestion des risques qui tiennent compte de la nouvelle dimension de ces dangers.

Quand la pluie ne fait pas tout: assurance indexée et production de coton au Mali

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

En 2008, le Fonds pour l'innovation en micro-assurance a attribué une subvention à Planet Guarantee (en partenariat avec AGF Afrique et Swiss Re) pour la réalisation d'une étude de faisabilité sur l'assurance indexée destinée aux producteurs de coton du Mali. Trois types d'indices ont été évalués. Étant donné le risque de base élevé que présente l'indice climatique et les ressources techniques importantes requises par l'indice satellitaire, l'indice de rendement est considéré comme l'approche la plus prometteuse.