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Climate change, conflict and crisis in Lake Chad

August, 2018
Sub-Saharan Africa

This year's 2nd edition of the European Security and Defence Union journal is looking into climate change as global security and humanitarian challenge. Janani Vivekananda, Senior Adviser for Climate Change and Peacebuilding at adelphi, has contributed to the journal with a piece on the climate security crisis currently plaguing the Lake Chad basin. Lake Chad is a geophysical and ecological miracle.

Resilience for Sustainable Development in the Lake Chad Basin

Reports & Research
July, 2018

The humanitarian crisis in the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) is among the most severe in the world, with more than 10 million people in urgent need of life-saving assistance and protection. As the crisis enters its ninth year, attacks by non-state armed groups remain frequent, and the violent conflict continues to fuel large-scale human suffering, including massive violations of human rights, especially for women and girls, who are often victims of abuse and sexual violence. Communities and individuals in the LCB, especially women, are accustomed to shocks and

Reshaping the terrain: Forest and landscape restoration in Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
July, 2018

The Mau Forest Complex forms the largest closed canopy forest ecosystem in Kenya and is an asset of great national and regional importance. The complex supports a wide range of environmental services crucial for the socioeconomic development of the region. Despite its critical importance in sustaining current and future economic development, the forest has been adversely affected by extensive illegal, irregular and ill-planned settlements, in addition to illegal forest resources extraction.

Climate Risk Profile Uzbekistan

Reports & Research
July, 2018

This profile provides an overview of climate risk issues in Uzbekistan, including how climate change will potentially impact five key sectors in the country: agriculture, water, tourism, ecosystems, human health, and infrastructure. The brief also includes an overview of historical and future climate trends in Uzbekistan, the policy context outlining existing climate risk strategies and plans developed by  Uzbekistan, and a list of ongoing projects that focus on climate adaptation.

FAO and Traditional Knowledge: The Linkages with Sustainability, Food Security and Climate Change Impacts

Reports & Research
July, 2018
Burkina Faso
South Africa

In developed and developing countries all over the world, farmers and indigenous and local communities have traditional knowledge, expertise, skills and practices related to food security and to food and agricultural production and diversity. Since its creation in 1945, FAO has recognized the significant contributions these make to food and agriculture, and the relevance of on-farm/in situ and ex situ conservation of genetic resources for food and agriculture.

Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure and on sustainable small scale fisheries in the fisheries and aquaculture legislation in Sierra Leone

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2018
Sierra Leone

This FAO Legal Paper looks at and evaluates the present laws and policies relating to sustainable small-scale fisheries in the fisheries and aquaculture legislation in operation in Sierra Leone and makes recommendations to align them with the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT). This Paper provides a brief introduction of the fisheries sector in Sierra Leone, focusing on the small-scale sect or with an overview of the uses and access rights to resources.

Modelled impacts of policies and climate change on land use and water quality in Austria

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2018

Climate change is a major driver of land use with implications for the quality and quantity of water resources. We apply a novel integrated impact modelling framework (IIMF) to analyze climate change impacts until 2040 and stakeholder driven scenarios on water protection policies for sustainable management of land and water resources in Austria. The IIMF mainly consists of the sequentially linked bio-physical process model EPIC, the regional land use optimization model PASMA[grid], the quantitative precipitation/runoff TUWmodel, and the nutrient emission model MONERIS.

Corrida Global por Terras. Os Estados Unidos como Alvo?

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2018
América do Norte
Estados Unidos

As primeiras décadas do século XXI têm sido marcadas por uma corrida global por terras, desencadeada pelas crises agroalimentar, energética, climática e econômico-financeira. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar se os Estados Unidos estiveram na rota dessa corrida. Para tanto, examinamos dados do Departamento de Agricultura dos Estados Unidos (United States Department of Agriculture – USDA) e bibliografia especializada, e identificamos que a porção de terras em mãos estrangeiras dobrou entre 2004 e 2014.

Bulletin d’informations de la FAO Burkina Faso, N°21 - Décembre 2017

Institutional & promotional materials
June, 2018
Burkina Faso

FAO INFO est un bulletin trimestriel d’informations générales sur les activités de la FAO au Burkina Faso. C’est un bulletin qui récapitule au cours du trimestre, toutes activités phares menées par la FAO en appui au Gouvernement du Burkina Faso dans le secteur agro-sylvo-pastoral à travers les différents projets et programmes misent en œuvre. On y trouve des articles sur des ateliers nationaux, sous-régionaux et régionaux, également des articles sur les activités terrain à savoir des visite terrain des partenaires techniques et financiers mais surtout des articles sur de success stories.

Participatory Land Use Planning for Climate-Smart Villages: Guidelines and References

Manuals & Guidelines
June, 2018
South-Eastern Asia

Participatory land-use planning (PLUP) refers to a bottom-up method of analyzing land and water resources. In its current form, PLUP integrates inputs about climate change and sea level rise to help the community utilize the resources within its vicinities. In utilizing its resources, the community will be able to improve the people’s livelihoods and help them sustain such resources for the benefit of the next generations. This publication in implementing PLUP focused on climate-smart adaptation in Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs).