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Agricultura, diversificação e transformação estrutural da economia

Journal Articles & Books
January, 2017

Moçambique é um país em vias de entrar no complexo mundo dos países produtores de produtos energéticos. Um grande influxo de capitais tornou o país num dos destinos privilegiados do investimento estrangeiro, o que permitiu/facilitou uma gestão especulativa de receitas futuras. Receitas rápidas e avultadas de capitais e aumento das reservas de divisas permitiram políticas fiscais e monetárias expansivas, reforçando o padrão de acumulação sectorial, social e espacialmente concentrado e de realização no exterior.

Enabling the Business of Agriculture 2017

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
January, 2017

Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) 2017, the third report in the EBA series, offers insights into how laws and regulations affect private sector development for agribusinesses, including producer organizations and other agricultural entrepreneurs. Globally comparable data and scored indicators encourage regulations that ensure safety and quality of agricultural inputs, goods and services but are not too costly or burdensome.

Ministerial Decree № 10 on land categorization and change in category of land.

January, 2017

This Decree sets forth provisions on land classification, cadastral information system, change in the category of agricultural land and pastures, change in the category of lands affected by radioactive and chemical contamination and degraded by natural hazards, expansion of lands in forests and protected areas, and the procedures and principles for the change in the category of land. This Decree shall apply to agricultural land under the condition that the intended purpose does not change.

Climate changes and solar cycles recorded at the Holocene Paraná Delta, and their impact on human population

Journal Articles & Books
January, 2017

The Paraná delta, growing at a rate of c. 2 km2 yr-1 since 6,000 yrs, is one of the most complete record of late Holocene in southern South America. The evolution of this 17,400 km2 delta enclosed in Plata estuary, can be tracked by a series of 343 successive coastal-ridge showing a c.11 years period, in coincidence with sunspot cycle, also found in some North Hemisphere coastal-ridge successions.

Climate Projections and Uncertainties over South America from MRI/JMA Global Model Experiments

Journal Articles & Books
January, 2017
South America

This paper analyses the climate change projected for the near and distant future in South America using MRI/JMA (Japanese Meteorological Agency) global model simulations with resolutions of 20 and 60 km. Changes in mean climate, as well as in the annual cycles and interannual variability of temperature and precipitation are discussed. An analysis is also made of the uncertainties of the 60 km resolution model experiments. For the near and distant future, both, the 20 km and 60 km resolution MRI/JMA models project that temperature changes will be positive in all seasons.

Resolution on solar power stations in protected areas.

January, 2017

This Resolution sets forth principles and guidelines of application for building solar power stations in protected areas. This Regulation underlines that building solar power stations shall not be approved in Grade 1 natural site area, as well as in sensitive and special protected areas. Furthermore solar power stations may be built in Grade 2 and 3 natural site areas and also in protected areas with sustainable use of natural resource, only if they meet the requirements specified in the Resolution.

Resolution on utilization and conservation of protected areas.

January, 2017

This Resolution has been drafted to add some specific information to the Regulation on procedures and principles of determination, registration and approval of protected areas. According to the ecological based scientific research projects, this Resolution clarifies the definition and guidelines of sensitive areas, special protection areas, protected areas with sustainable use of natural resource, and areas off site of the settlement and development areas in the Environmental Plan.

Regulation amending the Regulation on the design, implementation and inspection of conservation development plan and land use plan.

January, 2017

This Regulation amends Paragraph 1 of Article 2 regarding archeological site, Article 6 regarding principles of conservation development plan, Article 7 regarding immovable cultural properties, Article 8 regarding local administration for protected areas, Article 11 regarding modification, revision and annexes of conservation development plan, Paragraph 2 of Article 15 regarding approval of the projects by the Ministry, Article 19 regarding duties, authorities and responsibilities of the experts, and Articles 23 and 25 regarding qualifications of project team members.

Resolution on wind power stations in protected areas.

January, 2017

This Resolution sets forth principles and guidelines of application for wind power stations in protected areas. This Regulation underlines that the applications will be evaluated by the Regional Committees for preservation of natural heritage, in accordance with the scientific reports. The protected areas are divided into two categories, such as (i) sensitive areas with high protection and (ii) protected areas with sustainable use of natural resource.

Implements: Regulation on procedures and principles of determination, registration and approval of protected areas. (2012-07-19)

Legal limits to tribal governance: coal mining in Meghalaya, India

January, 2017

Land in Meghalaya, India, was traditionally agricultural land, owned by the community. With increasing privatization and rising commercial value of land for non-agricultural use, many owners have sold the land for mining operations. So-called rat-hole coal mining has resulted in environmental degradation as well as in the loss of lives of miners, most of whom are from outside the state. The National Green Tribunal has banned coal mining until safer, more environmentally sound policies and practices are in place.


Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2016


The dominant agricultural model, based on the abusive and destructive use of natural resources, leads us into a health, social, ecological, climatic, economic and cultural impasse.

In the North as in the South a regulatory arsenal limits the rights of peasants to exchange and reproduce their seeds. The privatization of seeds, the first link in the food chain, and the growing control over them by multinational companies seeking to increase their monopoly by imposing hybrid seeds and GMOs poses a threat to global sovereignty and food security.