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Regional Law No. 76-ZKO “On maximum areas of agricultural land allotted for agricultural purposes”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes maximum land areas that can be allotted in ownership to citizens out of stock of public land for farming, gardening, horticulture, stockbreeding and suburban housing construction. Allocation of the aforesaid land parcels to citizens shall be performed by state executive body or local government. Maximum land areas shall be set forth as follows: (a) for farming – up to 150 ha of agricultural land; (b) for gardening and horticulture - up to 0,4 ha; (c) for stockbreeding – up to 10 ha; and (d) for suburban housing construction – up to 0,5 ha.

Loi concernant le soutien au développement rural.

Western Europe

La présente loi a pour objectif, en conformité avec les principes de la politique agricole commune, de promouvoir une agriculture multifonctionnelle, durable et compétitive en liaison avec un développement intégré des zones rurales. Le texte comprend 4 titres répartis en 69 articles: Objectif et définitions (Ier); Encouragement à l’adaptation et au développement du secteur agricole (II).

Regional Law No. 809-OD “On allotment of public and municipal land to citizens free of charge”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law classifies protected categories of citizens that shall have the right to allotment on condition of ownership of public and municipal land free of charge related to urban land for individual housing construction and agricultural land for subsistence farming.

Law of the People's Republic of China on the Contracting of Rural Land.

Eastern Asia

This Law has been formulated in accordance with the Constitution for the purpose of stabilizing and perfecting the two-level operation system, which is based the responsibility system of contracting by households supplemented by unified management, entitling the peasants to a long-term and guaranteed right to the use of land, protecting the legal rights and interests of the parties of the contracting of rural land, so as to improve the development of agriculture and the rural economy and stabilize the rural areas.

Regional Law No. 276 “On gardening, vegetable growing and subsistence farming non-governmental entities”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law shall be applicable to all gardening, horticultural and subsistence farming non-commercial organizations, non-governmental entities and cooperatives. It regulates the issues of state registration of the aforesaid entities and establishes legal status thereof. Citizens shall be granted the right to carry our gardening, horticulture and subsistence farming either as cooperatives and associations or individually. Farmers must develop their land plots for agricultural purposes within three years since the date of allotment and ensure purposeful use of land plots.

Act No. 93 creating the Fund for Lands and Agricultural Reform - 'Banco da Terra'.

South America

This Act creates the Fund for Lands and Agricultural Reform - 'Banco da Terra' aimed to give financial assistance in order to enforce rural programmes. It consists of 14 articles specifying the requirements to be satisfied in order to obtain these incentives for agricultural development. Beneficiaries of this financial assistance programme are: farmers non-owners (working under concession, leasing, etc. for more than 5 years in agro-zootechnics); owners of agricultural lands for family sustenance (according to article 4 of Law No. 4.504 of 30 November 1964).

Ley Nº 54 - Ley de Desarrollo Agrario.

South America

La presente Ley tiene por objeto el fomento, desarrollo y protección integrales del sector agrario. Para la ejecución de la política agraria (cap. IV), mediante el artículo 23, se crea el Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Agrario (INDA), como entidad de derecho público, con ámbito nacional, personalidad jurídica y patrimonio propio, adscrito al Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería. El INDA substituye en sus funciones al Instituto Ecuatoriano de Reforma Agraria (IERAC).

Ownership and use of farmland Act.

Eastern Europe

The Law consists of 33 articles and is divided into four Chapters: General provisions (1); The Citizens' land (2); Lands belonging to the State, municipalities, cooperative farms and other legal persons (3); and Land property authorities (4).The Law regulates the ownership and use of agricultural lands. With the exception of game reserves and other nature protected areas with national and international significance, ownership is returned to owners whose land was taken under the April 1946 Law of landownership.

Range Law No. 442.

Western Asia

The purpose of this Law is the determination, delimitation, allocation of areas such as ranges, pastures, wintersheds (winter range lands) or highlands to juridical entities like villages or municipalities and making use of them in a manner abiding by the rules, increasing or sustaining productivity through maintenance and improvement, controlling that use continuously, protecting them and changing their purpose of use when necessary. The determination, delimitation and allocation of ranges, highlands and wintersheds are undertaken by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Ley Nº 55 - Modifica la Ley Nº 5.879 de 1962, sobre Reforma Agraria.

Dominican Republic

La presente Ley, que consta de 9 artículos, modifica La Ley Nº 5.879 de 1979, sobre Reforma Agraria, en lo relativo a la distribución de parcelas y selección de candidatos y candidatas, poniendo una mayor atención al tema de las unidades familiares que, según el párrafo único del artículo 14 modificado, se define como la unidad formada por el cónyuge la cónyuge, el conviviente, la conviviente o uno de ellos, y los hijos procreados por ambos, que se dediquen con el padre y la madre, o uno de ellos, a operar la parcela; y disponiendo que para todos los fines legales, la unidad familiar estará

Land Code.

Central Asia

Land is the public property and it shall not be liable to sale, exchange, donation, mortgage except for cases envisaged by the national legislation. Legal persons can manage land parcels on condition of land usufruct, permanent use, temporary use, and lease, while natural persons can manage land parcels on condition of lifelong hereditary land tenure, temporary land tenure and lease. Sublease of the plots of land conceded on lease shall be prohibited.

Ley Nº 14/1992 - Patrimonio agrario de la Comunidad Autónoma y medidas de reforma y desarrollo agrario.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley persigue los siguientes objetivos, en primer lugar, la regulación del patrimonio agrario de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón para evitar que las tierras una vez transformadas y adjudicadas puedan acumularse en unos pocos propietarios; en segundo lugar, trata de subsanar las deficiencias de la Ley de Reforma y Desarrollo Agrario, en especial con referencia al régimen establecido para las tierras reservadas en las zonas regables, la conversión de las mismas en tierras en exceso mediante la transmisión por actos inter vivos y el establecimiento de un mecanismo legal que evite fe