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Power and Potential

Policy Papers & Briefs
April, 2017

Up to 2.5 billion people hold and use the world’s community lands, yet the tenure rights of women—who comprise more than half the population of the world’s Indigenous Peoples and local communities—are seldom acknowledged or protected by national laws.

Spatial Monitoring Report on SOCFIN Agricultural Company Sierra Leone Ltd. in Malen Chiefdom, Pujehun District, Sierra Leone

Reports & Research
April, 2017
Sierra Leone

Since the onset of the phenomenon of large scale land acquisition for agri-business in Sierra Leone, after the first whistle was blown by Green Scenery, many studies have been conducted by various researchers, some to meet requirements for degree thesis, others for policy and development purposes. There is the fear in a school of thought opposed to large scale land acquisition that there is danger in corporate entities ascribing huge portions of land to themselves in the guise of investment and annihilating the actual land owners.

L’urbanisation, facteur de développement ou d’exclusion de l’agriculture familiale en périphérie des villes : le cas de la ville de Meknès, Maroc

Journal Articles & Books
April, 2017

Des facteurs variés tels que les politiques publiques en faveur du relogement des populations démunies, la promotion de la privatisation des droits fonciers agricoles, ainsi que plus généralement la croissance économique ont favorisé l’étalement urbain dans les principales villes du Maghreb dont Meknès au Maroc. Cette urbanisation s’intensifie au détriment des terres à fort potentiel agronomique malgré les lois pour la préservation des terres agricoles. À Meknès, les agriculteurs familiaux situés en périphérie urbaine ont fourni la grande majorité du foncier constructible.

Draft: Land Policy Initiative Steering Committee Minutes of the meeting held on 5 April 2017

Reports & Research
April, 2017

The Land Policy Initiative (LPI) Steering Committee present the progress made in implementing the decisions of the Steering Committee included the secretariat prepared documentation on the transition from LPI to ALPC, addressing- the activities to be undertaken with proposed timelines supporting the ALPC transition; The Secretariat had consulted and engaged with partners in finalizing the ALPC strategic plan to ensure coordination and mobilized resources; Little progress had been made on the (three) decisions made by the Steering Committee at different meetings in relation to the Europea

Interrogating large-scale land acquisition and its implications for women’s land rights in Cameroon, Ghana and Uganda

Reports & Research
April, 2017
Sub-Saharan Africa

Large scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) impact women: loss of rights and access to land, water resources, fuel wood, adequate shelter, compensation and livelihood. The study looks at three sub-Saharan African countries (Cameroon, Ghana and Uganda) each having different land tenure regimes. Since land is vital for the survival of rural dwellers especially women, the study recommends that laws and policies governing the process of LSLA stress a mandatory participatory approach that includes women. There is urgent need to revalorize national laws to mainstream women’s land rights.

Women’s land rights, rural social movements, and the state in the 21st-century Latin American agrarian reforms

Reports & Research
April, 2017

This paper addresses the disjuncture between women’s formal land rights and their attaining these in practice, examining the four agrarian reforms carried out by progressive governments after 2000 in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Venezuela. It finds that while all four strengthened women’s formal land rights, only the reforms in Bolivia and Brazil resulted in a significant share and number of female beneficiaries.

Understanding, preventing and solving land conflicts: A practical guide and toolbox

Training Resources & Tools
March, 2017

This guide is intended for practitioners who are confronted with land conflicts in the course of their work or are in a position to prevent them and/or include land governance as one pillar in their policies. It aims to broaden the understanding of the complexity of causes that lead to land conflicts in order to provide for better-targeted ways of addressing such conflicts, and provides a number of tools with which to analyse land disputes. In addition, this guidebook discusses a wide variety of options and tools for settling ongoing land conflicts and for preventing new ones.

The State of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Sri Lanka

Reports & Research
March, 2017
Sri Lanka

Coming two years after a political transition from post-war authoritarianism, this Shadow Report to the United Nations Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights is framed in the backdrop of two concurrent processes of ‘transformation’ currently underway in Sri Lanka. The first is the process of constitutional reform initiated by the Government that was elected on the platform of restoring democratic, inclusive and accountable governance.

A Community Guide to the International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standard 7 on Indigenous Peoples (PS7)

Manuals & Guidelines
March, 2017

This guide helps communities, community-based organisations and other supporters know what to do if a company is planning to develop projects on or near their customary lands, using a loan from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) – the private sector part of the World Bank Group. This guide is also useful for any projects using loans from other funders or companies that have chosen to follow the IFC’s social and environmental rules.