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Arrêté Ministériel n°12884 du 11 novembre 2011portant création d’un comité technique de suivi de l’aménagement foncier, de l’équipement rural et de la création de zones d’investissements agricoles.

LandLibrary Resource
Western Africa

Le présent Arrêté crée un comité technique de suivi de l’aménagement foncier, de l’équipement rural et de la création de zones d’investissements agricoles.Ce Comité a pour mission de formuler des réformes pour améliorer la sécurisation des privés en matière agricole;d’évaluer la législation foncière et les procédures d’attribution de parcelles à usage agricole; de définir des stratégies de renf

Arrêté nº 90-012 fixant les modalités de conversion des titres de concession perpétuelle ou ordinaire.

LandLibrary Resource
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Middle Africa

Le présent arrêté fixe les modalités de conversion des titres de concession perpétuelle ou ordinaire.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 73-021 portant régime général des biens, régime foncier et immobilier et régime des sûretés. (1973-07-20)

Agreement No.3 of 1999 between the Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Altai Territory regarding the delimitation of authority in the sphere of ownership, use and management of subsoil.

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Europe

The Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Altai Territory have agreed as follows: 1). This Agreement establishes the main provisions as regards the delimitation of the competence and plenary powers between federal and territorial executive bodies in the sphere of ownership, use and management of subsoil. 2).

Plan Nacional de Desarrollo.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
South America

El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo es un instrumento multisectorial, de alcance nacional, que define las estrategias y líneas de acción a implementar para construir una nueva sociedad, en el marco de un Estado plurinacional y comunitario.

Order No.486 of 1995 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources regarding the arrangements for carrying out Governmental Ordinance of 23 October 1995 No.1454-r.

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Europe

The Government, for the purpose of stimulation of carrying out arrangements for protection and reproduction of wildlife species by the hunters at their own expenses, recommends regional executive bodies to concede to the hunters hunting grounds for hunting management for a period of not less than 25 years; to concede to the hunting associations free-of-charge out of the stock of public land and

Mining Ordinance

LandLibrary Resource
Western Asia

This Law, of 120 Sections and Five Annexes, gives definitions and establishes conditions for mining procedures in Israel. Prospecting or digging of mines without a permit is forbidden. The Minister of Development may close certain areas to prospecting or mining.

Law amending the Law declaring the part of the mountain Konjuh as protected landscape ''Konjuh''.

LandLibrary Resource
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Southern Europe

This Law amends various provisions part of the Law declaring the part of the mountain Konjuh as protected landscape ''Konjuh'' (Official Gazette of the Tuzla Canton 13/2009).Major changes are regarding the official boundaries and physical limits of the protect ted area, and other specific provisions related to the concessions and use of the land.

Coal Act ([SBC 2004] Chapter 15).

LandLibrary Resource
Northern America

The present Act lays down provisions relating to coal. For the purpose of this Act "coal land" means land in which the coal or the right to explore for, develop and produce coal is vested in or reserved to the government.

Act respecting agricultural lands in the domain of the state (R.S.Q., c. T-7.1).

LandLibrary Resource
Northern America

The present Act lays down provisions relating to agricultural lands in the domain of the state. It applies to any agricultural land in the domain of the State, hereinafter referred to as “ungranted land”. It applies also to any agricultural land in the domain of the State considered as “land under concession”.