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The Community Land Act in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2017

Kenya is the most recent African state to acknowledge customary tenure as producing lawful property rights, not merely rights of occupation and use on government or public lands. This paper researches this new legal environment. This promises land security for 6 to 10 million Kenyans, most of who are members of pastoral or other poorer rural communities. Analysis is prefaced with substantial background on legal trends continentally, but the focus is on Kenya’s Community Land Act, 2016, as the framework through which customary holdings are to be identified and registered.

A Legislação Fundiária Angolana à Luz das Directrizes Voluntárias Sobre a Governança Responsável da Posse de Terra

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2017

O objectivo deste estudo é analisar sistema legal fundiário angolano à luz das recomendações propostas pelas Directrizes Voluntárias Sobre a Governança Responsável da Posse de Terra, Pescas e Florestas no Contexto da Segurança Alimentar Nacional (VGGTs no seu acrónimo inglês). 

Autodemarcación del Nono-Unono del Pueblo Pemon de Kamarata-Kanaimö

Reports & Research
November, 2017

A partir de esta autodemarcación, el pueblo y las comunidades indígenas Pemon se han aglutinado en torno al territorio y ha permitido el desarrollo de una perspectiva cultural para enfrentar las amenazas que se ciernen sobre el mismo. Aunque su reconocimiento y conversión sigue siendo un asunto pendiente a garantizar por parte del Estado.

Land markets, Property rights, and Deforestation: Insights from Indonesia

Peer-reviewed publication
October, 2017

We examine the emergence of land markets and their effects on forest land appropriation by farm households in Jambi Province, Sumatra, using micro-level data covering land use and land transactions for a period of more than 20 years (1992–2015). Based on a theoretical model of land acquisition by a heterogeneous farming population, different hypotheses are developed and empirically tested. Farm households involved in forest land appropriation differ from those involved in land market purchases in terms of migration status and other socioeconomic characteristics.

Assessment of Land Governance System in Preventing State Land Conflicts in Zambia

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2017

The purpose of the research is to assess the land governance system in preventing state land conflicts in Zambia. In order to obtain insights about the actual realities on the ground, based on a case study strategy (i.e. Lusaka District has a study area), the research examined the present status of state land governance system, and investigated the efficiency of the present state land governance system in preventing state land conflicts.

UN High-Level Political Forum Side Event- July 10 2017

Conference Papers & Reports
June, 2017

The UN-Habitat, World Bank and the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) host of the Global Land Indicators Initiative (GLII) 1 in collaboration with Global Donor Working Group on Land (GDWGL)2 jointly hosted a side event titled Land Tenure Security Monitoring in the SDGs: Leaving no one behind at the 2 nd High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).

The recognition of the customary land rights: lessons from the Province of Bié in Angola

Conference Papers & Reports
June, 2017

Effective recognition of customary land rights is still a challenge in Angola, as in many other African countries. Despite customary land rights of the traditional rural communities are expressly recognized in the 2004 National Land Law, very few communities in Angola have been able to register their land. In the Province of Bié, in Angola central highlands, only five customary collective land titles (called Dominio Util Consuetudinario) had been issued within the period 2004-2015.

Zambia’s peasants at risk of becoming squatters on their own land – UN expert warns

Reports & Research
May, 2017

The push to turn commercial large-scale agricultural into a driving engine of the Zambian economy, in a situation where the protection of access to land is weak, can risk pushing small-holder farmers and peasants off their land and out of production with severe impacts on the people’s right to food,” Ms. Elver said at the end of her first official visit to the country

Innovative Approach to Land Conflict Transformation: Lessons learned from the HAGL/indigenous communities’ mediation process in Ratanakiri, Cambodia

Training Resources & Tools
April, 2017

In the Mekong region, conflicts between local communities and large scale land concessions are widespread. They are often difficult to solve. In Cambodia, an innovative approach to conflict resolution was tested in a case involving a private company, Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAGL), and several indigenous communities who lost some of their customary lands and forests when the company obtained a concession to grow rubber in the Province of Ratanakiri. The approach was developed by CSOs Equitable Cambodia (EC) and Inclusive Development International (IDI) with the support of QDF funding from MRLG.

Understanding changing land access and use by the rural poor in Ghana

Journal Articles & Books
April, 2017

In Ghana 70 per cent of the population are smallholder farmers who depend on the land for their basic needs. Growing competition for this resource is having significant impacts on rural livelihoods and governance as land changes hands. This study highlights the key drivers of pressure on rural land and their communities, such as population growth, urbanisation and acquisition of land by new actors, including government and business.