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Jeunes pasteurs en ville – Perceptions, dispositifs et stratégies d’action publique au Burkina Faso

Reports & Research
November, 2020
Sahara occidental
Burkina Faso

Dans le contexte sahélien, depuis la fin des années 2010 des discours normatifs sur la jeunesse et le pastoralisme se sont développés, trop souvent basés sur des catégories standards impropres à décrire les réalités locales et associées dans une chaine de causalité trompeuse: désœuvrement des jeunes, migrations, participation aux violences armées, conflits violents catégorisés de manière simpliste comme ethniques et socioprofessionnels, économie criminelle, dégradation des ressources, changement climatique.Il y a un paradoxe entre le développement de ces discours généraux et le manque de do

Chinese Investment into Tissue-Culture Banana Plantations in Kachin State, Myanmar

Reports & Research
October, 2020

In the last decade, Myanmar’s Kachin State has seen a boom in tissue-culture banana plantations driven by cross-border Chinese investors. This Case Study compiles field research and publicly available knowledge about the scale of the production and its economic, social and environmental consequences. The study provides a detailed snapshot of the investment model and key actors in Kachin State, the methods of land access, landscape outcomes, and experiences of plantation workers.

Gender-Based Violence and Land Documentation & Administration in Zambia

Reports & Research
October, 2020

This brief draws from USAID’s experience supporting systematic land documentation in Zambia to further advance awareness and knowledge about the relationship between gender-based violence (GBV) and the access, use, and control of land and property. It aims to inform current and future design and implementation of programs that promote land-based investment and land rights (particularly women’s land rights) by civil society organizations, other donors, and the private sector.


COVID-19, Regulatory Rollback and the ‘Green Recovery’: Indigenous Peoples Raise Their Voices

Reports & Research
September, 2020

COVID-19 has negatively affected indigenous land rights, particularly for those who already face food insecurity as a result of land confiscation or grabbing and the loss of their territories. Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, the expropriation of indigenous lands and natural resources and the increase in conflicts on their territories were already placing indigenous peoples in a particularly precarious situation. The crisis has led to reports of encroachment upon indigenous land by opportunists, such as illegal loggers and miners.

Farmer-herder conflict in sub-Saharan Africa?

Reports & Research
September, 2020

This report responds to heightened concerns over rising levels of farmer-herder conflict across a wide band of semi-arid Africa. We assess the quantitative evidence behind this general impression and review the explanations in the scientific literature, in the light of known issues with long-standing attitudes towards pastoralism and mobile populations. Looking at the data available, we find that total levels of all forms of violence have been rising in the last ten years — especially in some countries in West and Central Africa.

Promoting Responsible Governance of Investments in Land (RGIL) in Ethiopia

Institutional & promotional materials
September, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

The “Responsible Governance of Investments in Land” (RGIL) project in Ethiopia aims at ensuring that investments in land are productive, contribute to sustainable land management, and respect the rights and needs of local populations, in particular vulnerable groups and women.

Conflict and COVID-19: a double burden for Afghanistan’s healthcare system

Peer-reviewed publication
August, 2020

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has put an additional strain on Afghanistan’s weak healthcare system. Prior to the pandemic, the government and its allies had already problems in providing high quality health services for the people in Afghanistan because of inadequate facilities, insecurities, and ongoing conflicts. This year, COVID- 19 exacerbated the situation and overwhelmed the healthcare system even further. As predicted, an influx of migrants suspected of having COVID-19 contributed to community transmission and led to an increase of cases across the country.

Accaparements de terres à main armée : Des milliers de familles sont violemment expulsées de leurs fermes en Ouganda

Reports & Research
July, 2020

Trois sociétés multinationales – Agilis Partners, Kiryandongo Sugar Limited and Great Season SMC Limited – sont impliquées dans des accaparements de terres, des expulsions violentes de personnes hors de leurs habitations et à l'origine d'innombrables humiliations et du désespoir de milliers de familles demeurant dans le district de Kiryandongo, en Ouganda.


Reports & Research
June, 2020

Nuestro informe anual sobre asesinatos de personas defensoras de la tierra y el medio ambiente de 2019, muestra el número más alto de muertes en un solo año hasta la fecha. 212 personas defensoras de la tierra y el medio ambiente fueron asesinadas en 2019, un promedio de más de cuatro personas por semana.

How to prevent land use conflicts in pastoral areas

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2020

This How-to-do Note focuses on how conflicts over land and natural resources in pastoral areas can be prevented or, if already present, transformed into positive outcomes. It identifies why land tenure is a complex issue within pastoralism, discusses the combination of factors that are contributing to more insecure pastoral tenure and triggering pastoral area conflicts, and introduces some of the frameworks, tools and approaches that can be used as part of project design to reduce the potential for conflict.