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land grabbing

Large-scale acquisition of farmland (over 1,000 ha) whether by purchase , leases or other means.

Displaying 41 - 50 of 981
Journal Articles & Books
December 2019

Concessions granted to investors in Cambodia have generated a deep sense of insecurity in rural forested areas. Villagers are not confined to a passive “everyday resistance of the poor,” as mentioned by James Scott, insofar as they frequently engage in frontal strategies for recovering land.

Journal Articles & Books
December 2019

This article is about the strategic use of adat arguments in the politics of large-scale land acquisition. While customary (adat) communities are commonly depicted as small local minorities living in the forests and being guardians of the environment, in many situations such communities occupy a majority position within the district.

Journal Articles & Books
December 2019

Since the early 2000s the Lao government has dramatically increased the number of large-scale land concessions issued for agribusinesses. While studies have documented the social and environmental impacts of land dispossession, the role of Vietnamese labour on these Vietnamese-owned rubber plantations has not previously been investigated.

Reports & Research
December 2019

ABSTRACTED FROM WEBSITE: What is happening with the land and natural wealth around the world, and to the people who depend on them? How are people responding to these trends, threats, and challenges?

Reports & Research
December 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean

Esta publicación presenta una caracterización del fenómeno de las GTT en varios países de América Latina basada en los casos de la Land Matrix. Sobre Argentina, hay una caracterización para el Chaco Salteño que analiza además una metodología de trabajo para la identificación de GTT, los conflictos socio-ambientales en el Chaco, fundamentalmente en cuanto a la tenencia de la tierra y a los desmo

Policy Papers & Briefs
December 2019
Sub-Saharan Africa

A new Model Land Use Bill is proposed to address the lapses identified in the Nigerian Land Use Act (LUA, 1978), such as poor administrative system for lands, ownership, and the absence of community participation. This policy brief promotes a new land management structure for ease of business, to improve social and environmental protection, and to reduce land-grabbing by dispossession.

Reports & Research
November 2019

textabstractAdaptation and security framings have gained traction not only to explain the causal chains and impacts of environmental change and/or migration, but also to justify land intensive interventions to address them.

Policy Papers & Briefs
November 2019

A gestão pública das águas e os conflitos territoriais na Bacia Hidrográfica do rio Paraguaçu
Por Iñigo Arrazola Aranzabal Mestre em Desenvolvimento Territorial Rural pela Flacso, Quito - Equador e Claudio Adão Dourado  de Oliveira
Antropologo pela Universidade Salesiana de Quito e Pós graduado em Direito Agrário, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFG

Journal Articles & Books
October 2019

This article is about the strategic use of adat arguments in the politics of large-scale land acquisition. While customary (adat) communities are commonly depicted as small local minorities living in the forests and being guardians of the environment, in many situations such communities occupy a majority position within the district.

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