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Understanding and Addressing Corruption in the Land Sector

Conference Papers & Reports
November, 2023

Land corruption – corrupt practices in the land sector – threatens the lives and livelihoods of people and communities, the environment and climate, food security and political stability. Its impacts are particularly acute for 2.5 billion people who live on and from the land. Addressing it requires a dedicated focus and assessment of land related institutions across different national contexts.

Land corruption risks in the green energy sector

Policy Papers & Briefs
October, 2023

Green energy (and/or renewable energy) requires large areas of land to operate, often more so than energy generated from fossil fuels. The acquisition of land comes with accompanying corruption risks which can lead to challenges such as land grabbing and illegal displacement of communities. To help mitigate corruption risks and their consequences, strong regulatory oversight and rigorous licensing requirements are needed, as well as transparency and community-based approaches to ownership of green energy projects.


Fair compensation in large-scale land acquisitions: Fair or fail?

Peer-reviewed publication
September, 2023

Despite the existence of a legal framework defining the right to fair compensation, and notwithstanding the vast literature on transnational and domestic land deals, no theory has been developed so far to allow for a specific analysis of the economics of fair compensation in large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs), limiting our understanding of the underlying reasons of success or failure of this important legal protection mechanism.

Beyond Land Titles: Pastoralists Find Security Amid Climate Change in Community Land Governance Mechanisms: A Case Study of How Stronger Local Community Land Governance Promotes the Climate Resilience of Local and Indigenous Communities in Kenya

Reports & Research
September, 2023

This case study presents the unique example of pastoralist communities in Kenya who had traditionally been able to rely on their customary land governance systems to ensure their access to grazing land and to help them sustain their livelihoods in the face of drought. However, land laws that were passed by the colonial and post-colonial administrations in Kenya progressively replaced customary structures and practices with artificial formal/legal structures that bore no connection to the communities’ customs.

Corruption risks in land-based solutions to climate change

Policy Papers & Briefs
September, 2023

“Nature-based” solutions to climate change require the acquisition of large swaths of land for reforestation, afforestation, conservation and renewable energy sources. However, corruption in the land sector is already widespread and this additional demand for land may aggravate pre-existing corruption risks, as well as causing new ones.

Forging Resilient Pathways

Reports & Research
August, 2023

This report presents the first global analysis of funding pathways in support of Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ (IPs' & LCs') tenure and forest guardianship, a project spurred by the IP & LC Forest Tenure Pledge made by 22 donors in 2021. This study, commissioned by the Ford Foundation, aims to provide practical guidance and strategic insights for Pledge donors to incorporate in the remaining years of implementation.

This project’s main objectives are to generate:

Assessing Pathways for Channeling Support to Indigenous and Local Communities Tenure Rights and Forest Guardianship in the Global South

Reports & Research
August, 2023

Este estudo de caso abrange o trabalho do Fundo Casa Socioambiental ("Fundo Casa" ou "o Fundo"), uma organização sem fins lucrativos sediada no Brasil e fundada em 2005. É uma instituição que concede subsídios e mobiliza recursos financeiros de uma combinação de filantropos privados, doadores bilaterais e ONGs.

Engaging the private sector in responsible agricultural investment in Uganda, Ethiopia and Laos, Good Practice

Institutional & promotional materials
August, 2023

As part of the Global Programme Responsible Land Policy in Ethiopia, Laos and Uganda, the Responsible Governance of Investments in Land (RGIL) project, co-financed by the European Union (EU), aims to ensure that investments in land are fair, productive and contribute to sustainable land management. A key element of this is strong engagement of private investors in those processes.

Panorama Regional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutrição para a América Latina e o Caribe 2023

Reports & Research
July, 2023
América Latina e Caribe

O Panorama Regional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutrição é uma publicação que apresenta uma atualização sobre a situação da segurança alimentar e nutrição na América Latina e no Caribe.

O relatório faz parte de um trabalho conjunto da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e a Agricultura (FAO); o Fundo Internacional para o Desenvolvimento Agrícola (FIDA); a Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde/Organização Mundial da Saúde (OPAS/OMS); o Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF); e o Programa Mundial de Alimentos das Nações Unidas (WFP).

Manifesto para territórios de vida

Policy Papers & Briefs
June, 2023

i A necessidade de um "Manifesto para territórios de vida" foi estabelecida pelo Consórcio ICCA em janeiro de 2019. Desde então, ocorreram intercâmbios específicos durante as reuniões do Consórcio e assembleias internacionais e regionais, e várias declarações relevantes foram produzidas. Com base nelas, bem como em relatórios, publicações e discussões por e-mail entre os membros que ocorreram desde 2008, um exercício específico com foco no Manifesto foi realizado entre os membros do Consórcio em 2022.