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Garimpo: o mal que perdura no Xingu

Journal Articles & Books
May, 2023
América do Sul

Diante de uma nova onda de garimpo nas áreas protegidas da bacia do Xingu, que se intensificou a partir de 2019, a Rede Xingu+ divulgou em 2020 um dossiê detalhando os principais focos de exploração garimpeira na região e que colocavam em risco, somada à epidemia de Covid 19, várias comunidades in- dígenas e ribeirinhas.

Análise regional dos níveis de mercúrio de mercurio em peixes consumidos pela população da Amazônia brasileira

Reports & Research
April, 2023
América do Sul

A ciência tem mostrado nas últimas décadas que a conta- minação por mercúrio (Hg) é um problema ambiental e de saúde pública. Uma importante fonte poluidora é o garim- po ilegal de ouro, que vem crescendo vertiginosamente, deixando um rastro de destruição. Outras atividades rea- lizadas por seres humanos, incluindo o desmatamento, a queimada de florestas e a construção de hidrelétricas, au- mentam os níveis de contaminação por mercúrio em cor- pos d’agua e no ambiente.

Support WCS Canada The Goals and Targets of the Kunming-Montreal Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF)

Legislation & Policies
April, 2023

These goals and targets are purposively (and appropriately) designed to work as an integrated whole, reflecting the same principle of indivisibility embodied in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They require actions to be integrated across the whole of government and society.

Safeguards for Carbon Markets – Prioritizing Local Communities’ Tenure Rights

Conference Papers & Reports
April, 2023

While emissions trading already began in the late 1980s and early 1990s, carbon markets can officially be traced back to the Kyoto Protocol of 1997. The Kyoto Protocol introduced market-based mechanisms allowing countries to trade emission allowances and invest in emission reduction projects overseas. On this basis, the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) was launched in 2005, pioneering the introduction of large-scale, regulated carbon trading systems.

Principles of Community Monitoring

Manuals & Guidelines
April, 2023

This document shares emerging ideas, principles, and good practices to socialize the concept of Community Monitoring among companies and investors in land-based sectors, as well as outline steps they can take to meaningfully engage with Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and Afro-descendant Peoples to monitor and respond to the potential environmental and human rights impacts of their operations, supply chains, or investments.

The Recognition and Formalization of Customary Tenure in the Forest Landscapes of the Mekong Region: A Polanyian Perspective

Peer-reviewed publication
March, 2023
South-Eastern Asia

 Commodity-driven deforestation and forest conservation efforts in the Mekong region have placed multiple pressures on community-based resource systems, undermining tenure security and livelihoods. In response, several initiatives have been mobilized by states, communities, and civil society organizations which aim to recognize and formalize customary forest tenure rights.

Gender Transformative Land Acquisition

Manuals & Guidelines
February, 2023

This guide addresses the capacity needs required to enable gender-responsive land acquisition in Uganda. It is primarily aimed at Communities, Civil Society Organisations and Investors, but can also be used by central and district Government at technical and decision-taking level.

Derechos Humanos y la relevancia de los derechos a la tierra y territorio en Argentina

Reports & Research
January, 2023
América Latina y el Caribe

El informe “Derechos Humanos y la relevancia de los derechos a la tierra y territorio en Argentina” fue presentado como contribución e inclusión de la agenda de Derechos a la Tierra al mecanismo de evaluación al Cuarto Ciclo del Examen Periódico Universal (EPU) donde Argentina fue evaluada por sus pares en enero 2023.

Promouvoir une gouvernance foncière inclusive et participative au Sénégal

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2023

Au Sénégal, malgré d’évidents progrès législatifs en matière de parité hommes-femmes, les femmes restent encore minoritaires, voire absentes des instances stratégiques et opérationnelles de gouvernance foncière au niveau communal. Cette situation est pourtant très loin de correspondre à leur contribution effective à la production agricole, notamment les cultures vivrières.