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Accaparements de terres à main armée : Des milliers de familles sont violemment expulsées de leurs fermes en Ouganda

Reports & Research
July, 2020

Trois sociétés multinationales – Agilis Partners, Kiryandongo Sugar Limited and Great Season SMC Limited – sont impliquées dans des accaparements de terres, des expulsions violentes de personnes hors de leurs habitations et à l'origine d'innombrables humiliations et du désespoir de milliers de familles demeurant dans le district de Kiryandongo, en Ouganda.

Droits de propriété foncière des communautés locales et populations autochtones en République du Congo

Reports & Research
June, 2020

Ce rapport présente et analyse les dispositions internationales et nationales encadrant les droits de propriété foncière des communautés locales et populations autochtones en République du Congo.

Il s'agit d'un document à but éducatif visant à améliorer l'accès et la compréhension des lois congolaises.

Smoke on the Water: A Human Rights and Social Impact Assessment of the Destruction of the Tompoun/Cheung Ek Wetlands

Reports & Research
June, 2020

More than one million people across Phnom Penh are facing the risk of increased flooding and over one thousand more families are at risk of evictions, loss of income and food insecurity as the ING City project and other unsustainable developments destroy the Tompoun/Cheung Ek wetlands in the capital’s south.

Violence in Nigeria’s North West: Rolling Back the Mayhem

Reports & Research
April, 2020

Nigeria’s arid North West is beset by violence between herders and farmers, which has been compounded by an explosion in criminal activity and infiltration by jihadist groups into the region. The last decade has seen thousands of people killed and hundreds of thousands displaced, with many fleeing into Niger Republic next door. State-level peace efforts with several armed factions have had some success, but these will not prove durable unless more actors lay down their weapons.

Asia Indigenous Peoples' Pact (AIPPS)'s Handbook: Extractive Industries and Free, Prior and Informed Consent of Indigenous Peoples

Manuals & Guidelines
April, 2020

This handbook contains basic information needed by indigenous peoples to be able to exercise their right to FPIC in the face of mining activities affecting their communities. It can be used as a reference by indigenous communities and civil society organizations in understanding and raising awareness on extractive industries and FPIC.

Grassroots Justice in a Pandemic: Ensuring a Just Response and Recovery

Policy Papers & Briefs
March, 2020

Communities around the world are reeling from the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic and measures taken to contain it. Now more than ever, the ability to know, use, and shape the law is critical. Access to health care and various forms of relief hinge on the ability to know one’s rights and navigate complex systems. As emergency actions escalate, citizens must ensure that governments do not use the pandemic as an excuse to entrench unjust or discriminatory policies.

Cartographie des sites miniers artisanaux dans l’ouest de la Centrafrique

Reports & Research
March, 2020
Central African Republic

Le présent rapport constitue un diagnostic du secteur minier artisanal dans l’ouest de la République de Centrafrique (RCA) et présente les enjeux de l’exploitation, du commerce et de l’exportation de l’or et des diamants. D’avril à juillet 2019, l’International Peace Information Service (IPIS), en partenariat avec les autorités locales, a réalisé une cartographie des sites miniers artisanaux dans l’ouest de la RCA.  Au total, 322 sites ont été visité dans 7 préfectures.

Reducing concession size, adjusting business plans and developing more inclusive business models

Reports & Research
February, 2020
Western Africa
Sierra Leone

This paper is one of three thematic case studies resulting from a set of pilot projects undertaken jointly by civil society and private business partners from 2016–2019 in five countries in sub-Saharan Africa. These pilots sought to test how private companies could collaborate with civil society organisations and other stakeholders to implement responsible agribusiness investments that recognise and respect community land rights, and to develop innovative tools and approaches that could be adopted and implemented at greater scale.

Strengthening civic spaces in spatial planning processes

Manuals & Guidelines
February, 2020

This technical guide provides strategies on how to strengthen, protect and promote legitimate tenure rights in spatial planning processes at the local, regional and national levels. It addresses state authorities involved in spatial planning processes, national governments and local authorities, and those operating on behalf of the state or within customary governance systems.

Participating in Socially Responsible Land Investment - Model Guidebook for Communities Considering Agricultural Investment

Manuals & Guidelines
February, 2020

This guide takes communities and their leaders, and 'ocal and national civil society organisations, through the steps needed to ensure that land investments in the community are carried out inclusively and responsibly.